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You can tell that better by the appearance of the plants which you find. Any druggist can furnish the litmus paper, and give you a demonstration of how it acts on contact with alkali. Using Gypsum for Alkali. Is it better, to kill the black alkali in the soil with gypsum, just to scatter it over an alkalied spot or to plow the soil first and then use the gypsum? I am going to sow alfalfa.

I ain't no gallery," grinned the now exuberant owner of the welt. "Who's got the buffalo?" he inquired as the great gun roared. "Mus' be Cowan. He's shore all right. Sounds like a bloomin' cannon," replied Billy. "Lemme alone with yore fool questions, I'm busy," he complained as his talkative partner started to ask another. "Go an' git me some water I'm alkalied.

The dams were getting dangerously low. The water was dirty and green-scummed and thick. And Ada's folks lost a horse and a cow alkalied. The drier it became the whiter the ground on the alkali spots. We had no alkali on the great, grassy Brulé, but there were strips outside the reservation thick with it, and the water in those sections contained enough of it to turn one's stomach into stone.

"Oh, this evenin' the dogs see something run down a hole, and they dug it out, and that's what they got." The newcomer grinned. "The trouble with you fellows," he proffered "is that you're so plumb alkalied you don't know the real thing when you see it." "That's right," supplemented Windy Bill drily. "HE come from New York." "No!" cried Jed. "You don't say so? Did he come in one box or in two?"

"You may strip to the hide or you may sleep with your boots on, and no questions asked. Gener'ly speaking, gentlemen prefer to retain a layer of artificial covering but you ain't troubled much with the bugs, are you, Bill?" He leveled this query at the frowsy, whiskered man, who had awakened and was blinking contentedly. "I'm too alkalied, I reckon," Bill responded.