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Who can wonder at the cháteaux en Espagne that I built as I lounged in the patio, and assisted my customers to consume the media aqua de soda, or 'split soda, of the country? Sometimes we roamed as far as the Alcazar; sometimes we wandered to the Oxford, or laughed light-heartedly in the stalls of the Alegria. Such was our life. As to marrying Philippa, it had always been my intention.

"Patrona la mas amada De nuestro suelo Espanol Nuestro mas luciente sol En la noche desgraciada Pues para ser proclamada Con el voto mas cordial Sois Maria concebida Sin pecado original." "Concede en fin Madre amada A tus hijos este dia La mas cristiana alegria Y la muerte deseada Para que seas cantada En la patria celestial Sois Maria concebida Sin pecado original."

The Puerta del Reloj , called also de la Feria , with its rude sculptures of archaic rigidity, and the tympanum, covered with small scenes from the creation, was a great contrast to the doorway at the opposite end of the crossway, that of Los Leones , or by its other name, de la Alegria , built nearly two hundred years afterwards, elegant and majestic as the entrance to a palace, showing already the fleshly audacities of the Renaissance, endeavouring to thrust themselves into the severity of Christian architecture, a siren fastened to the door by her curling tail serving as an example.

He had found it in the holy water stoup by the Puerta del Alegria. Every year on the day of Corpus he had found the same offering in the same place; an unknown had thus dedicated to the Church the first wheat of the year. "It must be a madman," said the priest. "What is the good of this? What does this bunch mean? If at least it had been a cart of sheaves as in the good old times of the tenths!"

"Que gosto!" cried a Marquis, with several dry goods samples of ribbon, tallied with bright buttons, hanging from his breast. "Que gloria!" cried a crooked, coffee-coloured Viscount, spreading both palms. "Que alegria!" cried a little Count, mincingly circumnavigating a shot-box.

Adorada por su marido, mimada por sus parientes, respetada por sus amigos, pudiendo disfrutar de todo, sobrándole todo.... DON EDUARDO. ¿Pero qué tiene usted, Matilde mía? ¿Por qué se ha quedado usted tan callada? DON PEDRO. La misma alegría que la habrá sobrecogido.... ¿No es eso, hija?