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If they do, we must make the best fight we can." "A happy thought! Let us act on it. If they ask any questions I will answer. Your English accent might excite suspicion." The party before us consisted of nine horsemen, several of whom appeared to be officers. "Buene noche, señores," said Carmen, so soon as we were within speaking distance. "Buene noche, señores. You have met the troops, of course.

Te acuerdas de aquella noche En que triste y abatida Una lagrima querida Vi de tus ojos brotar. Although Russell was at the base of the high wall he saw that a light flashed. The light was followed by the clapping of little hands. "Jove!" he thought, "am I really jealous? But damn that Californian!" Altimira sang two more songs and was rewarded by the same demonstrations.

There was a garrison of only 250 men at the Palace; yet already the church boasted fifty friars, from eleven to seventeen missions, and converts by the thousands. But the souls of the holy padres were sorely tried by these estufa rites, "platicas de noche," "night conversations" the priests called them. Well might all New Spain have been disturbed by these "night conversations."

"Negro tienes el cabello, Talle lineas hermosas, Mano blanca, pie precioso, No hay que decir en ti: Tu eres la mas hermosa, Tu eres la luz del dia, Tu eres la prenda mía, Tu me harás morir. "Que importa que noche y dia, En ti sola estoy pensando, El corazón palpitante No cesa de repetir: Tu eres la mas hermosa, Tu eres la luz del dia, Tu eres la prenda mía, Tu me harás morir Eulogia!"

It may be well to give the traveller a gentle hint with respect to the 25th of December: nothing borrowed on that day is ever returned. It is, in short, to the Mexicans, who call it. 'La noche buena, what April fool-day is to us. Therefore, traveller, beware! It is the occasion of much frolic and amusement."

With the first faint streaks of dawn that came flooding into the eastern sky he was afoot, knocking together such breakfast as a rider of the plains needs. Presently he was once more in the saddle, pushing across the tawny, empty desert toward the hills that hid Noche Buena, the village where Pasquale had his headquarters.

Then the Captain Diaz bade him begone to hell if he wished and report to the devil, saying that he had always believed that he had escaped thence by mistake, and they parted in wrath who, since the day of noche triste, never loved each other much; the end of it being that Sarceda rides for Mexico within an hour, to make what mischief he can at the viceroy's court, and I think that you are well rid of him.

If you get away at all to-night, you'll owe your lives to him. Nothing but his wits could have saved you. You had better be going now," he added. "Go directly to the Padre's and attract as little attention as possible on the way. "Este noche, amigo mio to-night, my friend," he concluded in Spanish, and turning, lounged carelessly through the doorway into the house.

I find him at last and assail him with all the abuse at my command; he is too tipsy to answer or to care, and follows me, jangling his keys. He fumbles with them at the door, blaspheming because they are so much alike, and finally lets me in. 'Buena noche. Descanse v bien.

It is the Noche Buena, and the bell summons the faithful to the midnight mass. The effect is electric. The last twirl of the waltz is suspended, half executed. The dancers stop as suddenly as if they were puppets moved and stilled by the cunning of some wire-pulling hand. A general rush is made for the church: in a moment the ball-room is empty.