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He was Alan's brother for one thing, and was always saying things about "old Al," and recording his prowess on the football field; and Aldith might discover her secret if she gave him the cold shoulder altogether. Besides this Andrew had the longest eyelashes she had ever seen and she must have somebody to say pretty things to her, even if it was not the person she would have wished it to be.

Bunty delivered his safely enough to the housemaid at the MacCarthys', and in answer to the girl's question "s'posed there was an answer, girls always 'spected one to nothing." Aldith was confined to her room with a sudden severe cold, and wrote a note to her friend, telling her how she was too ill to be allowed out, and had written to Mr. Graham, and Mr.

Let us go later, when it is quite dark. It will be EVER so much nicer, for no one will be able to see us. And let us meet at the end of the paddocks where the bush grows thickly, it will be more private. I am writing to Aldith to tell her to go at that time, she will tell Mr. Graham. Yours sincerely, M. Woolcot. "P.S. I must ask you, please, not to kiss me.

Marguerite thinks it very good indeed, but I am SURE it flatters me TOO much. Yours truly, L. Aldith Evelyn MacCarthy." Now Mr. James Graham had a great friend in one of the before-mentioned Courtney boys, Andrew by name. He was a handsome lad of eighteen, still a schoolboy, but possessed of fascinating manners and a pair of really beautiful eyes.

Though certainly for myself I should prefer a dark moustache, should not you, Marguerite?" "Ye es," said Meg. Her views were hardly formed yet on the subject. "Jet black, with waxed ends, very stiff," Aldith continued thoughtfully, "and a soldierly carriage, and very long black lashes." "So should I," Meg said, fired in a moment.

"Oh, send her away, Marguerite, do," Aldith said impatiently, "I have an enthralling secret to tell you, and I'll have to go soon." Meg looked interested immediately. "Run away, Baby, dear," she said, kissing the disappointed little face; "go and play Noah's Ark with Bunty, and I'll finish the piggies to-night or to-morrow." "But I want them NOW," Baby said insistently.

He used generally to give a half-contemptuous nod as he passed the little group, uncovering his head for the shortest possible period consistent with civility, and making his way to the far end of the boat. One time as he passed them Aldith was drooping her lashes and using her eyes with great effect, and Meg was almost positive she heard him mutter under his breath, "Silly young fools!"

"How long shall I have to go on like this, Aldith?" she asked once faintly, after a French lesson that she had scarcely been able to sit through. And the older girl answered carelessly, "Oh, you mustn't leave it off, of course, but you don't feel it at all after a bit." With which assurance Meg pursued her painful course.

He carried a cane, and was very particular about his hat and necktie and his boots, which generally were tan. And he had the faintest possible moustache, that he caressed with great frequency; and that privately Aldith thought adorable.

"What ought I to be?" she said in a low tone; and Aldith had answered, "Eighteen or nineteen, Marguerite, at the most; true symmetrical grace can never be obtained with a waist twenty-three inches round." Aldith had not only made statements and comparisons, she had given her friend practical advice, and shown her how the thing was to be done.