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Cruisers lost included the Defense, of 14,600 tons; the Black Prince; of 13,550 tons, and the Warrior, of 13,550 tons. The giant battle cruiser Marlborough, of 27,500 tons, had been badly damaged, as had the Lion and other vessels. The destroyers Tipperary, Turbulent, Nestore, Alcaster, Fortune, Sparrow Hawk, Ardent and Shark had been sunk.

Ahead of the larger ships now the Queen Mary, the Indefatigable and the Invincible, advanced the speediest of light cruisers the Defense, the Biack Prince and the Warrior. Behind these, spread out fan-wise, came the destroyers Tipperary, Turbulent, Nestore, Alcaster, Fortune, Sparrow Hawk, Ardent and the Shark.

The ships lost by the British in the battle included three battle-cruisers, the Queen Mary, Indefatigable, and Invincible; three light cruisers, the Defense, Black Prince, and Warrior, and eight destroyers, the Tipperary, Turbulent, Nestor, Alcaster, Fortune, Sparrowhawk, Ardent, and Shark. The Warrior, badly damaged, was taken in tow, but sank before reaching port.

There now remained facing the entire German fleet the Lion, the Queen Mary, the Indefatigable, the Marlborough and two torpedo boats, the Fortune and the Alcaster. But the German losses had been great. The Westphalen had been sunk. So had the Pommern and the Freiderich. The Frauenlob had gone to the bottom and the Wiesbaden, the new flagship, was badly crippled.