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Concino Concini was the son of a notary, who, by his talent, had risen to be secretary of state at Florence. Dreux du Radier, Mémoires des Reines et Régentes de France, vol. vi. p. 81. Conti, Amours du Grand Alcandre, Cologne edition, 1652, p. 41. Péréfixe, vol. ii. p. 346. L'Etoile, vol. ii. pp. 573, 574. Matthieu, vol. ii. p. 441. Mézeray, vol. x. p. 178. Daniel, vol. vii. p. 407.

Paul V greatly embellished the city of Rome; and also completed the façade of St. Peter's, and the palace of the Quirinal. He died in 1621, at the age of sixty-nine years. Mézeray, vol. x. p. 280. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 47.

L'Etoile, vol. iii. pp. 414, 415. Mémoires, p. 57. Saint-Edmé, vol. ii. p. 238. Saint-Edmé, vol. ii. pp. 239, 240. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 360. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 49. Bassompierre, Mém. p. 51.

He was first-almoner of Catherine de Medicis, Abbot of Aulnai, and subsequently Bishop of Séez. He was a pupil of Ronsard, and a friend of Desportes. He wrote a great number of sacred and profane poems, psalms, and sonnets. He also produced a "Funeral Oration on Henri IV," and a "Translation of St. Ambroise." He died in 1611. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 41. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 42.

She wrote admirably for that age, and was the author of the Histoire des Amours du Grand Alcandre, and of some Court Chronicles, which she published under the patronymic of Dupilaust. Mademoiselle de Guise married François, Prince de Conti, son of the celebrated Louis, Prince de Condé, who was killed at Jarnac.

After the death of Henri IV , she re-married with Charles de Lorraine, Due de Guise, and died in 1656, at the age of seventy-one years. Catherine de Lorraine, daughter of Charles, Duc de Mayenne, and niece of Guise le Balafré. She died on the 8th of March 1618, at the early age of thirty-three years. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 48. Dreux du Radier, vol. vi. pp. 88-90.

Amours du Grand Alcandre, pp. 272, 273. Dreux du Radier, vol. vi. p. 85. Saint-Edmé, p. 218. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 274. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 276.

While yet he pondered these things in his mind and in his heart, Helen came forth from her fragrant vaulted chamber, like Artemis of the golden arrows; and with her came Adraste and set for her the well-wrought chair, and Alcippe bare a rug of soft wool, and Phylo bare a silver basket which Alcandre gave her, the wife of Polybus, who dwelt in Thebes of Egypt, where is the chiefest store of wealth in the houses.