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I'm going to take my little birdies out of the shell pretty soon. They are almost hatched." "Glad to hear it," said the rabbit, politely, and then he told about seeking his fortune, and all of a sudden a great big ugly crow-bird flew down out of a tall tree and made a dash for Mrs. Wren to eat her up. But Mrs. Wren got out of the way just in time, and didn't get caught. But alack, and alas-a-day!

Alas-a-day! we have bad news from poor Mr. Williams. He has had a sad mischance; fallen among rogues in his way home last night: but by good chance has saved my papers. This is the account he gives of it to Mrs. Jewkes: 'GOOD MRS. JEWKES, 'I have had a sore misfortune in going from you.

'Alas-a-day! that you should leave it! said Theresa, 'I think you would be happier here than where you are going, if one may judge. Emily made no reply to this remark; the sorrow Theresa proceeded to express at her departure affected her, but she found some comfort in the simple affection of this poor old servant, to whom she gave such directions as might best conduce to her comfort during her own absence.

Widow Brown immediately screamed out, "Alas-a-day! as sure as can be, here are my red-streaks; I could swear to them in any court." Samuel Price, who believed his sons to be as honest as himself, was shocked and troubled at the sight. He knew he had no red-streaks of his own, he knew there were no apples in the window when he went to church; he did verily believe these apples to be the widow's.

Yes, that will never leave you, any more than the goodness, that used to make him smile. Alas-a-day! the poor lost a friend indeed, when he died! Emily was affected by this mention of her father, which Theresa observing, changed the subject. 'I heard, mademoiselle, said she, 'that Madame Cheron married a foreign gentleman, after all, and took you abroad; how does she do?

'Alas-a-day! said Theresa, as she poured out the coffee, and handed it to her mistress, 'all that could come, have been here every day to enquire after you and my master. She then proceeded to tell, that some were dead whom they had left well; and others, who were ill, had recovered.