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'Chat et vieux, pardonnez? said my uncle, quoting from La Fontaine; and then, opening a pale-blue eye full on Alain, he delivered with some emphasis: 'La jeunesse se flatte et croit tout obtenir; La vieillesse est impitoyable. The blood leaped darkly into Alain's face. He turned to Romaine and me, and his eyes flashed. 'It is your turn now, he said.

Alain! my friend! my son! but if you fall." "Valerie will give you a nobler son." Duplessis moved away, sighing heavily; but he said no more in deprecation of Alain's martial resolves.

I answer for your liking her almost as much as she will like you." Before Alain could answer dinner was announced. Alain's place at dinner was between his cousins. How pleasant they made themselves! It was the first time in which Alain had been brought into such familiar conversation with countrymen of his own rank as well as his own age. His heart warmed to them.

As she spoke a low whistle was heard without. "It is Alain's signal," cried Rose, all in a flutter. "He brings me news from Michael." So saying Mme. de Maufant moved with a quick step towards the door opening on the back yard, whence the signal-whistle evidently came. Marguerite site still on her tabouret, her head hidden in her shapely white hands.

"His all? Tut, with such an estate as Rochebriant!" For the first time in that talk Alain's countenance became overcast. "And how long will Rochebriant be mine? You know that I hold it at the mercy of the mortgagee, whose interest has not been paid, and who could if, he so pleased, issue notice, take proceedings that " "Peste!" interrupted de Finisterre; "Louvier take proceedings!

Hitherto he had received no definite answer from M. Gandrin, who had postponed an interview, not having had leisure to make himself master of all the details in the abstract sent to him. The next day, towards the afternoon, Frederic Lemercier, somewhat breathless from the rapidity at which he had ascended to so high an eminence, burst into Alain's chamber.

Gandrin, my friend, would not you and I give half our fortunes for one year of this fine fellow's youth spent at Paris? Peste! what love-letters we should have, with no need to buy them by billets de banque!" Thus he ran on, much to Alain's confusion, till dinner was announced.

Alain! my friend! my son! but if you fall." "Valerie will give you a nobler son." Duplessis moved away, sighing heavily; but he said no more in deprecation of Alain's martial resolves.

'Damnation! Have I the man's clothes on me, too? cried I. But Rowley hastened to reassure me. On the first word of my coming, the Count had put the matter of my wardrobe in the hands of his own and my cousin's tailors; and on the rumour of our resemblance, my clothes had been made to Alain's measure. 'But they were all made for you express, Mr. Anne.

Though Isaura strove to speak in a tone of indifference, Alain's ear detected a ring of pain in her voice; and watching her countenance, he was impressed with a saddened change in its expression.