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The amount of this formation in Great Britain is estimated at 6,000,000 acres, with an average depth of twelve feet, which would yield 21,600,000 tons of air-dried peat. Asbjornsen, Tore og Torodrift, Christiania, 1868, p. 6. Peat beds have sometimes a thickness of ten or twelve yards, or even more. A depth of ten yards would give 48,000 cubic yards to the acre.

It is put in wet, ground, cut with rapidly turning knives, and passed out of the machine as a thick pulp that is cut into bricks as it comes out. It is then stored several weeks until thoroughly dried. This is called "machine peat," "pressed peat," or "condensed peat." Peat is being used in many ways. Air-dried peat is used for fuel only.

In Florida an immense plant is being built to manufacture electric power, using air-dried peat as fuel, the power to be transmitted to Jacksonville. Machine peat is supposed to have sixty-five per cent. the value of the same weight of Pocahontas coal, but on account of the lack of waste in peat its real value is higher than would appear from the comparison.

By the Holy Pink-Toed Prophet, there's more romance in ships than you'll find in most married lives!" Then he would wave an arm up Oakland Estuary, which prior to the great war was the graveyard of Pacific Coast shipping, and say with great pride: "Well, we've done a good job on this craft, boys; she'll never end in Rotten Row! Every sliver in her is air-dried and seasoned. That's the stuff!

In other experiments with carefully heat-dried field-soil, the absorption was five per cent. in eighty-four hours, and when the water was first warmed to secure the complete saturation of the air, air-dried garden-earth absorbed five and one-tenth per cent. in seventy-two hours. In nature, the conditions are never so favorable to the absorption of vapor as in those experiments.

Spruce has to be air-dried, you know, to obtain the best results, and well, we really need the Sawdust Pile. What will you take to abandon, it and leave us in undisputed possession?" "Nothing, Mr. Daney." "Nothing?" "Precisely nothing. We have always occupied it on The Laird's sufferance, so I do not think, Mr. Daney," she explained, with a faint smile, "that I shall turn pirate and ingrate now.

You will have to make an estimate from the above data to serve your purpose and you can figure it either by the number of animals or by the tonnage of the feed. Value of Fresh and Dry Manure. What is the relative value of the weekly or semi-weekly corral scrapings which are tramped fine and air-dried; and of the fresh, wet manure from the stable?

Oats of the white variety have much less than those of the dark, but for some of the former, in Sweden, the difference is small; while for others, in Russia, it is considerable. Less than 0.9 of the excitant principle per cent. of air-dried oats, the dose is insufficient to certainly affect the excitability of horses, but above this proportion the excitant action is certain.

The moulding is to a very large extent done by hand, sometimes in a wet mould, sometimes in a dry sanded mould, and the bricks are first air-dried, often under some slight shelter, as the rain or frost damages them when fresh made; and then, when this process has made them solid enough to handle, they are burned, and sorted into qualities.

Peat is prepared for use as common fuel in two ways: By cutting it into blocks or bricks, which are air-dried by exposure to sun and wind for a few weeks. This is called "cut peat," is bulky and easily breakable, and can be used only for local consumption. By digging either by hand or machine, and grinding it in a mill.