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Immediately the Parachute was cut away, the balloon ascended with frightful velocity, owing to the ascending power it necessarily gained by being freed from a weight of nearly 500 pounds; and had it not been that its occupants applied their mouths to the air-bags previously provided, they must have been suffocated by the escaping gas.

Ve can supply anyzink vatefer, and I shall esteem it great favour to haf ze opportunity to quote for petrol, machine oil, planes, stays, plugs, propellers, levers, air-bags, goggles, overalls, accumulators " "Thanks, but at present I want nothing but petrol and machine oil, and I must have them at once, as I have to start for Honolulu without delay." "For Honolulu, sir?" "Yes." "Across ze sea?"

That is the kind of thing that makes the misery of the world!" "I don't quite see " began Helen. "We were talking about the birds in winter," interrupted George, careful not to swell too suddenly any of the air-bags with which he would float Helen's belief. He knew wisely, and he knew how, to leave a hint to work while it was yet not half understood.

The first method, that of putting empty casks in the hold so as to give the hull a floating tendency, and then mooring lighters over it and pushing chains under it, we may dismiss at once, as being suitable only for small vessels; but the second method is worth considering, namely, that of fixing air-bags of india-rubber in the hold, attaching them to the sides, and then inflating them all at the same time by means of a powerful air-pump.

Nixon's plan to instal a gas engine in one of the compartments. With this engine the wireless instrument would remain in commission and direct the rescuers after the ship itself had gone down. Life-preservers are chiefly of the belt or jacket type, made to fit about the body and rendered buoyant by slabs of cork sewed into the garment, or by rubber-lined air-bags.

The jelly-fishes of another section are furnished with one or more air-bags, which assist them in swimming, and hence bear the name of hydrostatic acalephæ. From the top of it rises a purple crest, which acts as a sail, and by its aid the little voyager scuds gaily before the wind.

That is the kind of thing that makes the misery of the world!" "I don't quite see " began Helen. "We were talking about the birds in winter," interrupted George, careful not to swell too suddenly any of the air-bags with which he would float Helen's belief. He knew wisely, and he knew how, to leave a hint to work while it was yet not half understood.

We could get your divers to pass chains under her, and, when she began to rise could haul on these chains by means of lighters moored above, and so move the wreck inshore till she grounded. What say you to that?" Baldwin shook his head. "She's too big, I fear, for such treatment." "Good-sized vessels have been raised by these air-bags of late," said Edgar.