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'Why, mercy on us, Vassily Ivanovitch... haven't you yourself put off our wedding more than once? Except for you it would have taken place long ago. And now I have no idea of breaking it off. What is the meaning of your threats, your insistence? Pavel Afanasievitch wiped the sweat off his face. 'Do you give me your word? Say yes or no! Vassily repeated emphatically.

Some time before Vassily Ivanovitch's arrival, Olga Ivanovna had been betrothed to a neighbour, Pavel Afanasievitch Rogatchov, a very good-natured and straightforward fellow. Nature had forgotten to put any spice of ill-temper into his composition.

'Oh, I see it's no good wasting words on you, said Vassily, and he swiftly raised his cane... Pavel Afanasievitch broke loose, pushed Efimovna away, snatched up the sword, and rushed through another door into the garden. Vassily dashed after him. They ran into a wooden summerhouse, painted cunningly after the Chinese fashion, shut themselves in, and drew their swords.

'Let's fight, if we must fight, replied Rogatchov, and hurriedly buttoned up his shirt. 'Ay, Pavel Afanasievitch, you take my advice, marry her... what is it to you... And believe me, I'll... 'No, Vassily Ivanovitch, Rogatchov interrupted him. 'You'll kill me or maim me, I know, but I'm not going to lose my honour; if I'm to die then I must die.

Meantime the wedding-day was approaching. Vassily succeeded in persuading Pavel Afanasievitch himself of the necessity of delay. Then he despatched him to Moscow to make various purchases, while he was himself in correspondence with friends in Petersburg.

Only you say the word, you say the word, and we'll make an end of him, the insolent fellow.... Pavel Afanasievitch, my baby-boy, for the love of God! A number of pale, excited faces showed in the door...there was even the red beard of the village elder... 'Let me go, Efimovna, let me go! muttered Rogatchov. 'I won't, my own, I won't. What are you about, sir, what are you about?

'Good-morning, Vassily Ivanovitch, he said in some amazement. Vassily looked at him, and sat down on a chair facing him. Pavel Afanasievitch was about to smile... but he glanced at Vassily, and subsided with his mouth open and his hands clasped. 'Tell me, Pavel Afanasievitch, said Vassily suddenly, 'are you meaning to dance at your wedding soon?

I'll scare him, you thought, he's a coward, and he'll agree to anything directly... No, Vassily Ivanovitch, I am a nobleman as much as you are, though I've not had city breeding, and you won't succeed in frightening me into anything, excuse me. 'Very good, retorted Vassily; 'where is your sword then? 'Eroshka! shouted Pavel Afanasievitch. A servant came in.

'Go away, go away, in God's name, and you others, off with you, do you hear?... Vassily Ivanovitch moved swiftly to the open window, took out a small silver whistle, blew lightly... Bourcier answered from close by. Lutchinov turned at once to Pavel Afanasievitch. 'What's to be the end of this farce? 'Vassily Ivanovitch, I will come to you to-morrow. What can I do with this crazy old woman?...

Vassily had the tact and shrewdness not to talk to Olga in his presence; but he either made him laugh till he was ready to cry, or arranged some noisy entertainment, a riding expedition, a boating party by night with torches and music he did not in fact let Pavel Afanasievitch have a chance to think clearly.