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Take the fiercest female animal the' is, an' it's all mother on the inside. Why, they're everlastin'ly adoptin' somethin' 'at don't rightly belong to 'em. Sometimes they go to work an' adopt a little straggler that in a regular way is their daily food; an' it ain't no step-mother affair neither, it 's the real thing.

We had a sort of of adoptin' ceremony the other mornin' and I Well, you see, I've got to have somebody to call by their front name and he's about all I've got left." "O Aunt Keziah! if I could be one half as patient and brave and sweet as you are " "Sssh! here comes Nat. Be kind to him. He's sufferin', too; maybe more'n you imagine. Here she is, Nat. Take her back home and be good to her."

Angy bent down and whispered in his ear: "I'd ruther dew it, tew, Father. Anythin' else would seem like goin' a-visitin'. But yew don't want ter go an' blame me," she added anxiously, "ef yew git all riled up an' sick abed ag'in." "Pshaw, Mother," he protested; "yew fergit I was adopted then; naow I be adoptin'. Thar's a big difference."

His mother kept house for Jim after his woman died. They do say 'twas his mother led him on toward adoptin' of Mary to furnish out the house with a child, like, and to keep him off of gettin' a noo woman. He mostly done what his mother contrived.

Lathrop, 't before Mrs. Shores run away 'n' after she run away too, f'r that matter I was thinkin' very seriously o' adoptin' a baby." "A " said Mrs. Lathrop, opening her eyes somewhat. "A baby," repeated Susan. "I feel you ought to be the first one to know it because, 's much 's I'm out, you'll naturally have the care of it the most of the time." Mrs.

"This boy's a baby agent, as near as I can make out; he wants I should adopt this red-headed baby, but says I ain't obliged to take him too, and makes out they haven't got any home. I told him I wa'n't adoptin' any babies just now, and at that he burst out cryin', and the other two followed suit. Now, have the three of 'em just escaped from some asylum, or are they too little to be lunatics?"

Considerin' what follows, I never experiences trouble in adoptin' Doc Peets' argyments that the eepisodes wherein this onhappy Silver Phil figgers sort o' aggravates his intellects ontil he's locoed. "'Bein' this Silver Phil's a degen'rate, declar's Peets, explanatory, 'he's easy an' soon to loco. His mind as well as his moral nacher is onbalanced congenital.

Adoptin' female orphans of over thirty, or matin' 'em up appropriate is way out of my line. Suppose we pass resolutions of regret in Marion's case, and let it ride at that?" "At least," goes on Vee, "we can do a little something to cheer her up. Mrs. Robert Ellins has asked her for dinner tomorrow night. Us too."

I tell you I never saw nothin' one quarter so handsome over no one yet, 'n' if I wasn't thinkin' o' adoptin' a child I'd never rest until I'd set that lion on top of father.

"Now, how that woman could make a cake like this here in one of them narrer, upside-down Mexican ovens no stove at all no nothing say, that's some like adoptin' yourself to circumstances, ain't it? Why, man, I'd marry intoe that fam'ly if I didn't do nothing else long as I lived. They ain't no Mexican money wrong side of the river.