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The old Field-Marshal and chief commander of the Austrian forces in Lombardy, prompted by the counsels of his sagacious adlatus, the chief of the staff, was engaged at that period in adding some of those ugly round walls and flanking bastions to Verona, upon which, when Austria was thrown back by the first outburst of the insurrection and the advance of the Piedmontese, she was enabled to plant a sturdy hind-foot, daring her foes as from a rock of defence.

His patrimony spent, he at once believed himself an actor, and he was hissed off the stage of a provincial theatre. 'Ruined, the last ignominy endured, I fled from the gay vistas of the Bench for they live who would thither lead me! and determined, the day before the yesterday what think'st thou? why to go boldly, and offer myself as Adlatus to blessed old Cudford!

His patrimony spent, he at once believed himself an actor, and he was hissed off the stage of a provincial theatre. 'Ruined, the last ignominy endured, I fled from the gay vistas of the Bench for they live who would thither lead me! and determined, the day before the yesterday what think'st thou? why to go boldly, and offer myself as Adlatus to blessed old Cudford!

The old Field-Marshal and chief commander of the Austrian forces in Lombardy, prompted by the counsels of his sagacious adlatus, the chief of the staff, was engaged at that period in adding some of those ugly round walls and flanking bastions to Verona, upon which, when Austria was thrown back by the first outburst of the insurrection and the advance of the Piedmontese, she was enabled to plant a sturdy hind-foot, daring her foes as from a rock of defence.

His principal lieutenant and Adlatus in the management of this association, which is in every sense of the word a court institution, is Major von Chelius, who holds a commission in the kaiser's own body regiment of Hussars of the Guard.