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Just the very person, but one, in the world that I wanted most to see." "Indeed! And, pray, whom have I the honor of addressing?" inquired Sir Norman, deeply edified by the cool familiarity of the accoster. "They call me Hubert for want of a better name, I suppose," said the lad, easily.

Joe's first impulse was to say that he knew of no job, or else to refer his accoster to the head canvas man, who hired transient help in putting up the main top and in pulling or driving stakes. But as Joe observed the man curiously watching him, he had another idea. Before he could act on it, however, the man exclaimed: "You do a fire-eating stunt, don't you?" "Yes," Joe answered.

"I shall be in my rooms in the Temple to-morrow morning, any time after eleven." "It is necessary for me to speak to you now," she insisted. "There is a tea-shop across the way. Please accompany me there." Ledsam, a little surprised at the coolness of her request, subjected his accoster to a closer scrutiny. As he did so, his irritation diminished. He shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Gentle sir," said Ike, "just lemme look at your watch a minute, won't you, please?" Laughingly the stranger complied, suspecting only that his odd accoster might have tarried too long over his cups. Ike took the watch in his hand, looked at it gravely for a moment, then gave it a jerk that broke the chain, and dropped it into his own pocket. "I like it," said he simply, and passed on.