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It is to a search after the means of accomplishing this result that I have devoted myself during the past few years. There is nothing to hope for, as regards malaria, in acclimation. Individual acclimation is, and always has been, impossible. The malarial infection is not one of those a first attack of which confers immunity from other attacks.

Of the divers species of Garten Blumen-, Thier-, Bier-, etc. rife in Vaterland, the Kinder- is the latest selected for acclimation in America. If the mothers of our land take kindly to it, it will probably become something of an institution among us. But that is an If of portentous size. The mothers aforesaid will have first to fully comprehend the new system.

It may be said that these cases and indeed all cases of a supposed acclimation consisting in physiological changes are instances of the origination of new varieties by natural selection, the hardier maize, tomato, and other vegetables of the North, being the progeny of seeds of individuals endowed, exceptionally, with greater power of resisting cold than belongs in general to the species which produced them.

Aberdeen Boy, a recent importation, and one of the noblest of those who were to refine the wild-eyed longhorns of Texas, was having no more trouble with acclimation than his predecessors; he manifested his illness simply by lying down and looking more innocent than usual, and heaving big sighs which wrung Virginia's heart.

Though the progress of acclimation can scarcely fail to be attended by danger to life or limb, the process, when completed, seems to be very effectual, since little or no pains are taken by the old inhabitants to guard against the evil.

My country eyes and ears were confused and bewildered here; but the boys were my chief trouble. They chased me, and called me "Eastern Shore man," till really I almost wished myself back on the Eastern Shore. I had to undergo a sort of moral acclimation, and when that was over, I did much better.

These unbidden and hungry guests the gipsies of the vegetable world often have great aptitude for accommodation and acclimation, and sometimes even crowd out the native growth to make room for themselves. There are plants themselves perhaps sometimes stragglers from their proper habitat which are found only in small numbers and in few localities.

"Oh!" said La Fontaine, with a little air of pride, "you must not suppose that I have only brought this idea and the eighty pistoles to the superintendent." "Oh! indeed," was the general acclimation from all parts of the room, "M. de la Fontaine is in funds to-day." "Exactly," replied La Fontaine. "Quick, quick!" cried the assembly.

Slavery is singularly cosmopolitan in its habits. The offspring of pride, and lust, and avarice, it is indigenous to the world. Rooted in the human heart, it defies the rigors of winter in the steppes of Tartary and the fierce sun of the tropics. It has the universal acclimation of sin. The first account we have of negro slaves in New England is from the pen of John Josselyn.

One would be getting ready for a trip to the ranch; another would have to stay at home to instruct his foreman; another would have to sit up with a costly bull that was going through the rigors of acclimation; and on more than one occasion it was the very man who was being depended upon to tell them all about civil war or civil government who would have to be excused by his wife for some such reason, upon which there would be a chatter of regret and the meeting would fall into a conference upon matters in general.