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In the faight never occupie a battell to any other thyng, then to the same, for whiche thou haste apoineted it, if thou wilt make no disorder. The sodene accidentes, with difficultie are reamedied: those that are thought upon, with facilitie.

Also he that defendeth a Towne, oughte to provide that nothing bee done tumultuouslye and disordinatelye, and to take suche order, that in all accidentes everye man maye knowe what he hath to doo.

ZANOBI. I beleeve that it is not possible, that to an armie that marcheth from place to place, there fal not perrilous accidentes, where the industerie of the capitaine is needefull, and the worthinesse of the souldiours, mindyng to avoyde them. Therefore I woulde be glad, that you remembring any, would shew them.

Por consiguiente, así como sería perfectamente ridículo en estos momentos declamar contra el aeroplano, por los riesgos y accidentes que pueden ocurrir y sería estúpido no seguir los pasos de otros gobiernos que utilizan sus ventajas, para la defensa o la agresión en caso de guerra o para abreviar las comunicaciones interiores en tiempos de paz, asimismo me parece ridículo, sino insensato, combatir el sufragismo en el terreno especulativo o más bien hipotético y no tomar la experiencia de otros paises como guía de nuestra conducta haciendo que el sufragismo forme parte de nuestras modernas costumbres e instituciones.

Cesar having caused that woodde to bee paied for, whiche he had occupied for to make the Listes, about his armie in Fraunce, got so moche a name of justice, that he made easier the conquest of thesame province. I cannot tell what remaineth me, to speake more upon these accidentes, for that concerning this matter, there is not lefte any parte, that hath not been of us disputed.

Our saylors were most part sicke, being but 80. men in all, two third partes of their company being dead, and lost by diuers accidentes, and among those forescore such as were sicke, as soone as they were on land and at their ease presently recouered their healthes.