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"Bring me a New Haven time-table, please," he began, "and " The door-bell abrupted his words, clamoring shrilly. "What the deuce?" he demanded. "Who can that be? Answer it, will you, O'Hagan?" He put down the pen, swallowed his coffee, and lit a cigarette, listening to the murmurs at the hall door.

Resonant, the echoes of those awe-inspiring tones died upon the stillness, and in response a faint sighing rose and, momentarily growing in volume, became as the roaring of a mighty wind; and suddenly it was abrupted, leaving only a ringing in the ears. A great drum roared like the crack of Doom; and Amber's jaw dropped.

And as by any solid body, that it meets with in the way that is not penetrable by air, it is divided and abrupted, and yet neither slides off, or falls down, but stayeth there nevertheless: such must the diffusion in the mind be; not an effusion, but an extension.

There followed two metallic clicks. Calendar's ravings were abrupted as if his tongue had been paralyzed. He fell back a pace, flabby jowls pale and shaking, ponderous jaw dropping on his breast, mouth wide and eyes crazed as he shook violently before him his thick fleshy wrists securely handcuffed.

And it made him feel sure that something surreptitious and lawless was in process within those walls, that the confederate without, having failed to prevent a stranger from entering, left unemployed a means so certain-sure to rouse the occupants. But his inferential analysis of this phase of the proceedings was summarily abrupted by that identical alarm.