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Such efforts and such agencies as these cannot fail to be followed by blessings, and to be greatly instrumental for good. Our last night in France was spent in the miserable little town of Abries, situated immediately at the foot of the Alpine ridge which separates France from Italy.

We were, however, supplied with a tolerable dinner, and contrived to pass the night in rest, and to start refreshed early on the following morning on our way to the Vaudois valleys of Piedmont. The village of Abries is situated close to the Alpine ridge, the summit of which marks the boundary between France and Italy.

Although there are occasional villages along the route, there is no good resting-place for travellers short of La Tour, some twenty-six miles distant from Abries; and as it was necessary that we should walk the distance, the greater part of the road being merely a track, scarcely practicable for mules, we were up betimes in the morning, and on our way.

But on the side of Italy the valleys were completely filled with dense masses of cloud to a certain level; and here where they felt the influence of the wind they were cut off as level as the top of a table, the ridges appearing above them. I raced down to Abries, and went on through the gorge of the Guil to Mont Dauphin.