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Here let me rest- and snatch myself, while I yet am able, from the fascination of EGOTISM:-a monster who has more votaries than ever did homage to the most popular deity of antiquity; and whose singular quality is, that while he excites a blind and involuntary adoration in almost every individual, his influence is universally disallowed, his power universally contemned, and his worship, even by his followers, never mentioned but with abhorence.

Its former friends have become its sworn enemies. The foremost entomologist of the land has suggested that we even change its name and give it one that would be more suggestive of the abhorence with which we now look upon it. And all these changes have come about because science has turned the microscope on the house-fly and men have studied its habits.

These addresses being drawn up with the concurrence of both houses, a bill was brought in to recognize the king's title, to express their abhorence of the usurpation by the prince of Orange, as well as of the defection of the English.

Though reason and my long residence here had assured me, that these savages never came up to the thick woody parts of the country, and that I had no reason to be apprehensive of a discovery; yet such an abhorence did I still retain, that, for two years after, I confined myself only to my three plantation: I mean my castle, country-seat, and inclosure in the woods.

And I can assure you Sir that there is not a white person here wanting in their duty to represent to the Indians in the strongest terms the highest abhorence of such conduct as well as the bad consequences that may attend it to both them & us being contrary to the rule of carrying on war by Civilized nations, however it is not improbable that Gians may have exaggerated matters greatly being notoriously known for a disaffected person and concerned in sending Prisoners away with Intelligence to the Enemy at the time Captain Bird came out as we ware then informed.

But the negro, faithful to his instincts, remained true, and outside of an occasional outburst of enthusiasm at their newly found freedom, continued loyal to the end to these old masters, and looked with as much sorrow and abhorence upon this wanton destruction of the old homestead, around which clustered so many bright and happy memories, as if they had been of the same bone and the same flesh of their masters.

Well, well, we must take pains that he is not enlightened that is the way you see how very simple it is." "I warn you, this is the last money I shall give you for years," she said; "it is only from having these stocks in my hands that I am able to do it now." "My dear friend, you forget; your husband may give you more stocks," he returned, with a laugh which made her shrink with abhorence. "Mr.

They are sung in the Sixtine chapel by members of the papal choir, and are read by the Card. celebrant. After each prophecy the Cardinal standing up sings a prayer: the deacon chants Flectamus genua and the subdeacon Levate before each, except the last, when the knee is not bent, in order to shew abhorence of the idolatry exacted by Nabuchodonosor for his statue.

Notwithstanding the abhorence Nekhludoff felt for Maslova, he thought it proper to express his regret at the Senate's action. "Do not despair," he said. "This petition may be more successful, and I hope that " "Oh, it is not that," she said, looking at him with the tearful and squinting eyes. "What, then?" "You have been in the hospital, and they must have told you there about me." "What of it?

The "fast" style of life, so common among the early settlers in the bush, but now happily dying out, rarely found favour in the eyes of the native youths of the colony; and the Fergusons, having been brought up to entertain an abhorence of such scenes, naturally felt a repugnance to the society into which they now found themselves thrown.