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Only desperately brave and supremely kindly people would have dared such a thing, and even the skipper of the foundering vessel said, "Well, chaps, I thought no one but a mad one would a-tried it on; but Gord bless you all the same." After that, Jack was obliged to let go his anchor within sound of breakers, and his fight with death lasted all night.

Lawson wa'nt a lawyer I'd a-tried to say somethin', but I can't get a word out nohow, only Melindy and me will never forgit your kindness and the skeare." The applause that followed was long and loud, and as the good host made a hasty exit from the room, Marguerite did not fail to see the big tear that rolled down the sunburnt cheeks.

Upon the last two stanzas in "Woak Hill" I may as truly be said to have lived for a month as Charles Lamb lived upon "Rose Aylmer." An' that's why folk thought, for a season, My mind were a-wandren Wi' sorrow, when I wer so sorely A-tried at Woak Hill. But no; that my Mary mid never Behold herzelf slighted, I wanted to think that I guided My guide from Woak Hill.

Never had no fault to find till we swapped horses." "Sorry you ain't now, 'cause he's sure sharp in the woods." "He shouldn't a-tried to make an orphan out o' you." "Are you sure he done it?" "If 'twasn't him I dunno who 'twas. Yan, fetch some of them pine knots thayer." Yan went after the knots; it was some yards into the woods, and out there he was surprised to see a tall man behind a tree.

"Fust off I wuz hot agin his consarnin' himself, an' tried ter hold him back, but, lordy me! young blood duz love fightin', an' with all the young fellows possest, an' all the gals admirin', I might ez well a-tried ter hold a young steer. So, says I, 't is the hand of Providence, fer no man kin tell ez what 's ahead of us.

The look of pity in his eye when it lighted upon Allis gave place to one of rebellious accusation as he turned his head slowly and glared at Redpath. "Ye put up a bad ride there, b'y," he commenced, speaking in a hard, dry, defiant tone; "a bad ride, an' no mistake. Mind I'm not sayin' ye could a-won, but ye might a-tried," and he waited for Redpath's defense.