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Then, having looked to girth and bridle, he vaulted to the saddle, and drawing sword, shouted his battle-cry fierce and loud: "Arise! Arise!" and, so shouting, smote the frighted horses to right and left with the flat of the long blade, so that they reared up whinnying, and set off a-galloping in all directions, filling the air with the thunder of their rushing hoofs.

He is inspired and possessed by the Muses; if he chooses to horse his car with winged steeds, or set others a-galloping over the sea, or standing corn, none challenges his right; his Zeus, with a single cord, may haul up earth and sea, and hold them dangling together there is no fear the cord may break, the load come tumbling down and be smashed to atoms.

Handsomebody, to our sire. We found Granfa polishing the brass on the front door, his white locks bobbing as he rubbed. "Oh, Granfa," we cried, "have you heard the news?" "Ess fay," he replied, straightening his back, "for thiccy Mary Ellen came a-galloping at top speed to ask me to shine the brasses for 'ee, knowing I have a wonderful art that way. The poor Zany was all in a mizmaze."

Alloway?" asked Everett, as he stood in the barn door with a pan in one hand and a bucket in the other. "No, oh, no," answered Uncle Tucker with a laugh. "I was jest remarking how the Almighty had the lasso of His love around the neck of all the wild young asses a-galloping over the world and would throw 'em in His own time.

I don't think they've found anything; if they had, they'd have come a-galloping, and the devil himself couldn't have stopped 'em. Gosh, but it's awful! Who knows what that nigger's done When I look at Mr. Morris, I wish you fellers had overpowered me last night and had fixed things."

Certain, however, were two or three distinct snickers from some pews under the gallery, and Polly nearly dove under the pew in front of her. There was no chance for the thousand and one topics of vital importance to be even touched upon while the service was in progress, but once the recessional rolled forth Peggy's and Polly's tongues were loosened and went a-galloping.

Another dragoon appeared, riding a diable and a dozen more behind these; and on their heels a-galloping, a great body of red-jacketed horsemen hundreds of them the foremost shooting from their saddles, the great mass of them swinging their heavy cutlasses and spurring furiously after our flying men. I had seen far more than was necessary, and I ran for my horse.

I just hope Mrs. Vincent gives her bally-hack," stormed Rosalie. "Suppose we did shout and screech? It's Saturday night and we have a right to if we like. But what under the sun did Mrs. Vincent want of you, Peggy?" "Oh, nothing very serious," answered Peggy, smiling in a way which set Rosalie's curiosity a-galloping. "Yes, what did she want?" demanded Polly, turning to look up at Peggy.

It so happened that the presence of the two strange girls had aroused the curiosity of someone else, and that this somebody being of a suspicious nature at all times required but little to set her fancies a-galloping. She had watched the girls all through the game, and at its end sped away to the dressing room and changed her clothes with remarkable expedition.