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"Oh, it aren't the disapp'intment, Peter I found one corp', an' that's enough, I suppose, for an aged man like me no, it aren't that it's findin' ye eatin' your breakfus' just as if theer 'ad 'adn't been no storm no, nor yet no devil, wi' 'orns an' a tail, a-runnin' up an' down in the 'Oller 'ere, an' a-roarin' an' a-bellerin', as John Pringle said, last night."

I looked up quick-like and blest if there wasn't old Bill Buffalo a-pawin' and a-bellerin' and a-shakin' of his head, not thirty yards away! Soon as he see me look up he come chargin' down on me with his big head close to the ground like a locomotive cow-catcher. And me in that awkward state of dishabilly!" "What did you do, Mr. Smiley?" cried Nell in suspense.

I guess the whole jing-bang of it turned his head, for he goes bad and loco thereafter, and begins shootin' and r'arin' up an' down the hull Southwest, a-roarin' and a-bellerin' and a-takin' on amazin'. We dasn't say boo to a yaller pup while he's round. I never see such mean blood. Jus' let the boys know that Peg-leg was anyways adjacent an' you can gamble they walked chalk.

"And at the risk of our lives, Gib. I move we declare a strike until Scraggs digs up the money to overhaul the boiler. Just before we slipped into the fog I saw two steam schooners headed south so they must 'a' seen us headed north. Jes' listen at them a-bellerin' off there to port. They're a-watchin' and a-listenin', expectin' to cut us down at every turn o' the screw.

Yeh said yeh didn't think it was safe, an' I kep' a-goadin' yeh to it; an' now She broke out a-blubberin' an' a-bellerin' again, an' he puts his arm aroun' her an' smiles, an' says soft-like: "'It don't matter much. I can raise the money an' buy a new one fer Mis' Sneath. How much do they cost? says he. "'Oh, I dunno! Five hundred dollars, I think. It's an awful lot o' money!

When we went to bed that night Uncle Peabody whispered: "Say, ol' feller, we was in purty bad shape this mornin'. If we hadn't 'a' backed up sudden an' took a new holt I guess Aunt Deel would 'a' caved in complete an' we'd all been a-bellerin' like a lot o' lost cattle." We had good sleighing after that and got our bark and salts to market and earned ninety-eight dollars.