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Booby Island bore S. 50 E., distant five miles, and the Prince of Wales's Isles extended from N.E. by N. to S. 55 E.; between these there appeared to be a clear open passage, extending from N. 46 E. to E. by N.

II. chap. 46, a small duty of only 1d. the pound was imposed upon the importation of foreign brown linen yarn, instead of much higher duties, to which it had been subjected before, viz. of 6d. the pound upon sail yarn, of 1s. the pound upon all French and Dutch yarn, and of £2:13:4 upon the hundred weight of all spruce or Muscovia yarn.

All the lines equally showed a slight displacement, indicating a recession from the earth of the radiating body at the rate of 37 to 46 miles a second. A similar observation, made by M. Thollon at Nice on the same day, gave emphatic sanction to the spectroscopic method of estimating movement in the line of sight.

The Houses met, according to summons, at the appointed time, in the building known as "the Inns of Court," within a stone's throw of the castle. There were present 228 Commoners, and 46 members of the Upper House.

At the Meeting of the Commission held June 10, 1903, DeLancey M. Ellis, of Rochester, was appointed director, and the sum of $20,000 was set aside for the preparation of the educational exhibit. Offices were immediately opened at 46 Elwood building, Rochester, N. Y., and the work of collecting and preparing the exhibit material was begun.

The details and passages in question are page 27 concerning the white and black hairs of Vishnu, page 34 the lyrical description of Krishna's life in the forest, page 46 Akrura's meditation as he goes to visit Krishna, page 68 the drunken brawl and page 69 the deaths of Balarama and Krishna.

When in latitude 50 degrees 46 minutes South and longitude 97 degrees 47 minutes West I saw P. antarctica for the first time; one or two individuals were in daily attendance while rounding Cape Horn and followed the ship until we sighted the Falkland Islands.

The college graduates have furnished 33 per cent. of the Congressmen, 46 per cent. of the Senators, 50 per cent. of the Vice Presidents, 65 per cent. of the Presidents, 73 per cent. of the Associate Judges, and 83 per cent. of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.

It was on September 26 in 46 B.C., that Julius Caesar so strikingly called attention to his claims of descent from Venus and Aeneas by dedicating a temple to Venus Genetrix, the mother of the Julian gens. It was on that day that Caesar "called Venus from heaven" to dwell in her new temple. There is independent proof that Catalepton XIV is earlier than the Georgics.

They dance, brandishing this weapon, according to the slaves, in the presence of their princes. If the Tanganyika shall be found to connect with the Luta Nzige or Mwutan Lake, this passage will be found wonderfully truthful. The Tanganyika's southern versant is now placed in south latitude 8deg. 46' 54", or in round numbers 9deg., and the other figures are nearly as correct.