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The men, however, avowed a resolution not to march. It was not, they said, that they Whitelock, 388, 393, 396, 398, 399.

It is under the form of chartered towns, not communes, that the importance of the boroughs in English commercial and public life continued to increase in the thirteenth as it had in the twelfth century. Ralph de Diceto, ii, 113. Roger of Howden, iv. 46. Round, The Commune of London. Luchaire, Communes Francaises, 97. Articles of the Barons, c. 32; Stubbs, Select Charters, 393.

This sphere affects both the evil and the good, and disposes every one to love, protect, and support his offspring from his own love, n. 392. This sphere principally affects the female sex, thus mothers; and the male sex, or fathers, by derivation from them, n. 393. The sphere of innocence flows into infants, and through them into the parents, and affects them, n. 395.

During these twenty-one years of war, among the officers 920 were killed and 4,685 were wounded, and among the men 15,392 were killed and 65,393 were wounded. This is an annual average of deaths from battle of 460 officers and 369 men, and of wounded 2,340 officers and 1,580 men, among 100,000 of each class.

Another belt ancillary to this began in western Massachusetts and extended along the Erie Canal to Buffalo, thence to Cleveland, Detroit, and Chicago. In these areas, or in the industrial belt as it may be termed, there lived about 4,000,000 mill operatives, whose annual output of wool, iron, and cotton manufactures alone was worth in 1860 $330,393,000 as compared to the $58,000,000 of 1830.

In 1864 he was elected a United States Senator from Oregon for the term ending in 1871. 393, 488, 516, 517, 529, 531, 539, 540, 559. THOMAS WILLIAMS was born in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, August 28, 1806. He graduated at Dickinson College in 1825, and studied law. He was admitted to the bar in 1828, and settled in Pittsburg. From 1838 to 1841 he was member of the State Senate.

The north had a population of 13,553,328 freemen; the south had a population of only 6,393,756 freemen; the north has 152 representatives in the house, the south only 81; and it would be seen by this, that the balance of power was with the free States.

He had been careful to summon in his writs several persons entirely devoted to him. * Thurloe, vol. i. p. 273, 591. Also Stubbe, p. 91, 92. Thurloe, vol. i. p 393 By concert, these met early; and it was mentioned by some among them, that the sitting of this parliament any longer would be of no service to the nation.

Lo-e, or Rohi, is a name for Afghanistan; but only a portion of it can be here intended. We are now therefore in 404. No doubt the present district of Bannu, in the Lieutenant-Governorship of the Punjab, between 32d 10s and 33d 15s N. lat., and 70d 26s and 72d E. lon. See Hunter's Gazetteer of India, i, p. 393. They had then crossed the Indus before.

Turning to your Encyclopédie, Arts et Metiers, tome 3, part 1, page 393, you will find mentioned an instrument, invented by a Monsieur Renaudin, for determining the true time of the musical movements, largo, adagio, &c. I went to see it. He showed me his first invention; the price of the machine was twenty-five guineas: then his second, which he had been able to make for about half that sum.