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The year 3867 came in and still all was quiet. What had become of James Stephens? The astonished and irate Fenians of New York investigated the matter, and found that he was peacefully and very privately living at lodgings in some part of that city, afraid to face the wrath of the men whom he had so egregiously deceived.

By the census just taken, on a much more correct principle than formerly, the population of Belleville in 1852 appears to be 4554, showing an increase of 1228 in two years. During the same period, from 1850 to 1852, the population of Cobourg on Lake Ontario, which town formerly enjoyed the full benefit of a large emigration, has risen from 3379 to 3867, showing an increase of only 488.

"His name is Steve Donnell, sir. Born 3576. He jumped ship in " "Born when, did you say?" "They're spacers," Hawkes pointed out quietly. MacIntosh shrugged. "Go ahead." "Jumped ship in 3867 I think. It's so hard to tell what year it is on Earth." "And physical description?" "He was my twin," Alan said. "Identical twin."

See the classical collection of French laws, by Dalloz, Repertoire de Jurisprudence; also the works of Doniol, Dareste, Bonnemere, Babeau, and many others. Dr. Fr. Seebohm, The English Village Community, 3rd ed., 1884, pp. 13-15. Porter's list contained 3867 such Acts, of which the greatest numbers fall upon the decades of 1770-1780 and 1800-1820, as in France.

The application was dated 4 June 3867, and a stamped notation on the margin declared that Free Status had been granted on 11 June 3867. "So he did register," Alan said. "But now what? How do we find him?" Hawkes reached for the photostat. "Here. Let me look at that." He squinted to make out the small print, then nodded and wrote down something. "His televector number's a local one.