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*1* Probably 20d 25'. I. A. *2* Probably 20d 10'. I. A. *3* Probably 28d 56'. I. A. *4* Probably 31d 46' 30". I. A. *5* Probably 31d 56'. I. A. *6* Probably 35d 10' 15". I. A. *7* Probably 36d 56' 8". I. A. Livingstone's Travels in South Africa.* * 'Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa'. By David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C.L. 1 vol. 8vo. Harper and Brothers.

H. M. sloop "Grecian" visited the coast in 1852-3, and the master remarks that "the entrance to the Luabo is in lat. 18d 51' S., long. 36d 12' E., and may be known by a range of hummocks on its eastern side, and very low land to the S.W. The entrance is narrow, and, as with all the rivers on this coast, is fronted by a bar, which renders the navigation, particularly for boats, very dangerous with the wind to the south of east or west.

They calculated that the cost of moving a ton of goods thirty miles by fixed engines would be 6.40d., and by locomotives, 8.36d.,—assuming a profitable traffic to be obtained both ways. At the same time it was admitted that there appeared more ground for expecting improvements in the construction and working of locomotives than of stationary engines.

Fresh water can be obtained almost immediately inside the entrance, as the stream runs down very rapidly with the ebb tide. "The Catrina, latitude 18d 50' south, longitude 36d 24' east. The external appearance of this river is precisely similar to that of the Maiudo, so much so that it is difficult to distinguish them by any feature of the land.