United States or Niger ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Dictionary of English Plant Names," by J. Britten and Robert Holland. 1886. "English Plant Names," Introduction, p. xiii. See Folkard's "Legends," p. 309; Friend's "Flowers and Flowerlore," ii. 401-5. See "Flower-lore," p. 74. Friend's "Flower-lore," ii. 425. Garden, June 29, 1872. Johnston's "Botany of Eastern Borders," 1853, p. 177. Lady Wilkinson's "Weeds and Wild Flowers," p. 269.

After passing through this gateway and turning southwards, at a distance of 177 feet from it, another terrace is reached, 9 ft. 2 in. higher than the first one.

Uriel, 326, 331, 398. Voluntaries, 241. Waldeinsamkeit, 221. Walk, The, 402. Woodnotes, 46, 159, 331, 338. World-Soul, The, 331. Emersoniana, 358. Emerson, Thomas, of Ipswich, 38. Emerson, Waldo, child of Ralph Waldo: death, 177, 178; anecdote, 265. Emerson, William, grandfather of Ralph Waldo: minister of Concord, 8-10, 14; building the Manse, 70; patriotism, 72.

In the environs of Milan, where sewer water is used to irrigate the fields, fodder for two to three horned cattle per each acre is obtained on an area of 22,000 acres; and on a few favoured fields, up to 177 tons of hay to the 10 acres have been cropped, the yearly provender of 36 milch cows.

The true difficulty is that Church discipline is attached to an Establishment by this world's law, not to the form itself established: and his objections from paragraph 5 to paragraph 10 relate to particular abuses, not to Episcopacy itself. Ib. p. 143. Is not this the case with the Houses of Legislature? The members taken individually are subjects; collectively governors. Ib. p. 177.

The expenditures during the fiscal year ending on the 30th of June last were $59,451,177.65, of which $3,522,082.37 was on account payment of principal and interest of the public debt, including Treasury notes redeemed and not funded. The expenditures exclusive of payment of public debt were $55,929,095.28.

W , and produced a ten-guinea bank-note, which was found in the foreman's box. Upon examination, this note was discovered to be the very note which Mr. Macpherson sent with the change to Pasgrave. It was No. 177, of Sir William Forbes's bank, as mentioned in the circumstantial entry in the day-book.

In the table, the prices of 1873 being taken as equal to 100, the rise from 1876 to 1880 is 209, from 1881 to 1885 the ratio falls to 103, and remains at that till 1890. Then, in 1891, it rises to 138, and in 1892 to 177. From this return the writer in the "Economist" concludes that the purchasing power of the rupee is now about 30 per cent. lower than it was in 1873.

So rapid was his progress that by the end of the year he had won the magnificent prize of L4000 generously offered by Baron de Forest for the longest flight made by an all-British machine from England to the Continent. In this flight he covered 177 miles, from Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey, to the Belgian frontier, in three and a half hours. If Mr.

History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks, 20. Hājji Khalīfa, 21. Jurien de la Gravière, Doria et Barberousse, Pt. I., ch. xv. See the Story of Turkey, 158-163. See S. Lane-Poole, The Art of the Saracens, 239, &c. Doria et Barberousse, Pt. II., ch. vii. Ibid., Pt. II., ch. vii., p. 106 ff. See the Story of Turkey, 170; and the illustrations, pp. 137, 147, 171, 175, 177.