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I care for nothing else, and for good reasons. Always your faithful Richard 167. My wife is going to Germany, in the first instance on a visit to her parents. From there she will return via Frankfort. If she could hear one of my operas "Lohengrin" of course in preference at Weimar, she would like to stop a day there.

"Well, of course we've our instructions from the post office, and we've got to account for the calls, but in this particular case we might let you have one, and pay afterwards," he replied. "Oh, never mind the watch; it's all right!" Beatrice lost no time in ringing up Number 167 Grovebury, and to her immense delight, when she got the connection, she heard her mother's voice at the instrument.

And he expressed his hope, that whatever ill success his former guilt might have drawn upon his cause, yet now, having obtained mercy to be on God's side, and to acknowledge his own cause subordinate to that of God, divine providence would crown his arms with victory. * Sir Edward Walker's Historical Discourses, p. 166, 167. Sir Edward Walker's Historical Discourses, p. 170.

The University of Paris last year had 11,000 alumni, but only thirty-five theological students. 3,786 studied for the legal profession, 3,696 for the medical, 1,767 attended to pharmacy, 928 to letters and 467 to science. There were 167 female students, 108 of them preparing for medicine, fifty-one in literary studies, seven in science and one preparing as a lawyer.

Most rural churches have yet to become a vital force, not only energizing their own members, but reaching out also to the whole community, seeking not their own growth as their chief end, but by ministering to the community's needs, realizing a fuller, richer life of their own. 167. =The Needs of the Church.= The rural church needs reorganization for efficiency, but changes must be gradual.

In 1887 his collection contained 167 crania or fragments of crania, all perforated, 115 of which were picked up in the caves of Lozere, which are probably of more recent date, beneath the dolmens of the DEVEZES, as those vast plains given lip to pasturage are called. These dolmens, which were doubtless reserved for the burial of chiefs, often contain many valuable objects.

"Wolsey, says Cavendish, on his fall, gave to Norris, who brought him a ring of gold as a token of good will from Henry, "a little chaine of gold, made like a bottle chain, with a cross of gold, wherein was a piece of the Holy Cross, which he continually wore about his neck, next his body; and said, furthermore, 'Master Norris, I assure you, when I was in prosperity, although it seem but small in value, yet I would not gladly have departed with the same for a thousand pounds." Life, ed. 1852, p. 167.

If we do we shall be strangely pleased, for there is a genuine pathos in these simple words, and the lines go with a lilt, and sing themselves to music of their own. D'Héricault's admirable "Memoir," prefixed to his edition of Charles's works, vol. i. p. xi. Vallet de Viriville, "Charles VII. et son Époque," ii. 428, note 2. See Lecoy de la Marche, "Le Roi René," i. 167.

"Eve," "The Fisher Boy," and "America" are some of his chief works. 168:28 Pygmalion. A sculptor and king of Cyprus. 181:16 recondite. Abstruse or secret. 168:27 corrosive. Destructive of tissue. 184:12 vitae. Of life. 166:3 infusion. The act of pouring in. 167:1 Albertus Magnus. 167:1 Cornelius Agrippa. 167:1 Paracelsus. 167:10 Royal Society.

The receipts into the Treasury during the first three quarters of this year from all sources amount to $23,467,072.52; the estimated receipts for the fourth quarter amount to $6,943,095.25, amounting to $30,410,167.77, and making with the balance in the Treasury on the 1st of January last $31,397,512.80. The expenditures for the first three quarters of this year amount to $24,734,346.97.