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Erasmus in Italy: 1506-9 He takes his degree at Turin Bologna and Pope Julius II Erasmus in Venice with Aldus: 1507-8 The art of printing Alexander Stewart To Rome: 1509 News of Henry VIII's accession Erasmus leaves Italy At Turin Erasmus received, directly upon his arrival, on 4 September 1506, the degree of doctor of theology.

The date of the frescoes on the Fondaco de' Tedeschi is known to be 1507-8, but, as nothing remains but a few patches of colour in one spot high up over the Grand Canal, we have no visible clue to guide us in our estimate of their artistic worth. It was never finished, and the altogether exceptional character of the work places it outside the regular course of the artist's development.

Fortunately, the exact date can be fixed when the frescoes on the Fondaco de' Tedeschi were painted, for we have original records preserved from which we learn the work was begun in 1507 and completed towards the close of 1508. If Titian, then, was "scarcely twenty years old" in 1507-8, he must have been born in 1488-9.

The date of its execution may well have been 1507-8, perhaps even earlier; at any rate, we must not argue from its unfinished state that the painter's death prevented completion, for the style is not that of Giorgione's last works.

The alteration in date would help to explain the silence of all records about him before 1511, when he would have been only twenty-two and not thirty-five years old; it would fully account for his name not being mentioned by Dürer in his famous letter of 1506, wherein he refers to the painters of Venice, and it would equally account for the absence of his name from the commission to paint the Fondaco frescoes in 1507-8, for he would have been employed simply as Giorgione's young assistant.