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J'ai su que le mois de janvier avait ete mauvais, et quoique j'eusse bien des fois l'envie de prendre la plume, elle m'est tombee des mains lorsque j'ai reflechi que j'ignorais malheureusement dans quel etat de corps et d'esprit ma lettre pourrait vous trouver. Pendant tout l'hiver j'ai recu par lettre et de bouche une infinite de demandes sur votre etat.

After all these discussions you will now understand the true meaning of the famous pamphlet published by Abbé Sieyes in 1788 and so before the French Revolution which was summed up in these words: "Qu'est-ce que c'est que le tiers état? rien! qu' est qu'il doit être? Tout!"

Tempestuous debates among the noblesse, the clergy, and the tiers état, upon the question of the verification of their powers, separately and together, were followed by proposition and counter-proposition, by commissions of conciliation which did not conciliate, by royal letters commanding a fusion of the three orders, by secessions from the nobility and clergy to the grimly determined and united tiers, by courtly intrigues at Marly for the King's favor in behalf of the nobles, by royal séances and ruses which, instead of postponing, only hastened the evil hour, by the famous oath of the Tennis Court, and by the triumph of the third estate.

The Austrians have no brigadiers, and the French have no major-generals in their Etat Major. What have the Saxons? Adieu! LONDON, March 27, O. S. 1748. DEAR BOY: This little packet will be delivered to you by one Monsieur Duval, who is going to the fair at Leipsig.

Louis. The injustice and absurdity of this law was no doubt a secondary cause of the Revolution. To understand the despair and rage with which this law inspired the Tiers Etat one should have belonged to that honourable class. The provinces were full of roturier families, who for ages had lived as people of property upon their own domains, and paid the taxes.

I saw six companies drawn up for inspection behind lines of long sausage- shaped kit-bags. A band welcomed us with "A Life on the Ocean Wave." "What cheek!" muttered Verschoyle. "Give 'em beans, Bayley." "I intend to," said the Colonel, grimly. "Will each of you fellows take a company, please, and inspect 'em faithfully. 'En etat de partir' is their little boast, remember.

The commons, le tiers état grasped the opportunity, met by themselves, and on June 17, 1789, resolved themselves into a National Assembly, to accomplish the regeneration of France. Troops were summoned by the crown to put down the rebellion, and more than fifty thousand mercenary troops from foreign states were engaged by the King to take the place of the French troops, whom he distrusted.

And the Tiers État declared itself the National Assembly, in which was vested all the legislative authority of the kingdom. The people had taken possession of the Government of France!

When the distracted Louis gave the impotent order for the National Assembly to disperse, and for the three bodies to assemble and vote separately, according to ancient custom; and then when he gave still further proof of childish incompetency by telling the Tiers État they were "not to meddle with the privileges of the higher orders," kingship had become a mockery.

"Dans cet etat affreux, que faire? . . . Mon devoir." Victoire courageously proceeded to Madame de Fleury's, and desired to see her. "D'abord c'est impossible madame is dressing to go to a concert," said Francois. "Cannot you leave your message?"