United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This is a fact that will assuredly have ere long to be submitted to the judgment of Europe, and to the guidance of fast developing events.

This has been somewhat of a revelation to English colonists, no less than to foreign nationalities; but it is a fact. That fact is no doubt fully recognised by the German Government, and it is a fact which will be respected. Had it been made manifest a little earlier much misunderstanding, and possibly certain vain aspirations and illusions might have been saved.

It is not necessary just now to consider how or when this question will come to be determined; but the moment of settlement must come, and it will be strange should a power like Portugal succeed in resisting whatever pressure may be brought to bear by circumstances that may and that must arise.

«We colonists might well hail with delight the proclamation of German rule over the territories stretching from shore to shore north of the Limpopo and its parallel, and south of the Congo. A German empire in those regions would form a magnificent background to an Anglo-African Dominion on this sideThe trade of Lourenço Marques

«These figures differ from those of preceding years in this respect that they cover the period of temporary inflation caused by «Moodie's Rush» and the Lydenburg Gold Fields generally. Yet what are the facts?

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