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The Brazilian Government | The Portuguese Government shall engage not only | shall engage to evacuate not to undertake any expedition | any Port or Place, against other Colonies, | which it may continue to occupy or Settlements, of | on that part of the Portugal, but not to entertain | Continent of America, any Proposition | which constitutes the Brazilian which may be made to | Territory. them for the alienation | from Portugal, or union | with Brazil of any of the | said Colonies or Settlements. |

Cada uma trazia á prôa, em letras esparramadas e vivas, a senha: Brazilian man of war.

It is understood that all | It is understood that all hostilities on the part of | Brazilian Persons or Property Brazil against the Territories, | seized or detained in Ships, and Subjects | Portugal, shall be forthwith of Portugal, have already | liberated and restored; ceased: and that all seizures | or where restitution of Portuguese Ships | of Property is impossible, and Property, heretofore | that Indemnification shall made, shall be restored or | be made.

O que posso affirmar é que o brazilian day ha de perdurar por muito tempo no coração d'aquelles que tiveram a felicidade de assistir essa bellissima festa. Dias depois voltei ao palacio da Exposição, sosinho, como simples curioso que não tivera tempo bastante para examinar tudo no pequeno espaço de doze horas. Nada mais restava senão o esqueleto do edificio em via de demolição.

Brazilian Subjects where restitution is impossible, | in Portugal, if there that Indemnification | be any other than those shall be made. | already mentioned, shall | be at liberty to return to Also that Portuguese | Brazil with all their Property Subjects in Brazil shall be | or to remain in Portugal at liberty either to return | without molestation. to Portugal with all their | Property or to reside in | Brazil without molestation. |

Portanto corri de quinzena ao vento para o London Brazìlian Bank... Ahi, arremessei para cima do balcão um papel sobre o Banco d'Inglaterra, de mil libras; e soltei esta deliciosa palavra: Oiro! Um caixeiro suggeriu-me com doçura: Talvez lho fosse mais commodo em notas... Repeti seccamente: Oiro! Atulhei as algibeiras, devagar, aos punhados: e na rua, ajoujado, icei-me para uma caleche.

Palavra Do Dia


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