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"I reckon, now, half of Beverly will turn out on the green this after noon to see the conquering heroes come home. There's been the biggest crowds around that jeweler's window all week, staring at that handsome cup, and wishing they would have a chance to help win it." "And we'd hate the worst kind to disappoint our friends and folks, wouldn't we, fellers?" Eben remarked.

It must have been some years after the Freshwater days, yet before the production of "The Cup," that I saw Tennyson in his carriage outside a jeweler's shop in Bond Street. "How very nice you look in the daytime," he said. "Not like an actress!" I disclaimed my singularity, and said I thought actresses looked very nice in the daytime.

"Yes," observed Sensia, crossing herself, "searching for the devil." Now many things were explained: Simoun's fabulous wealth and the peculiar smell in his house, the smell of sulphur. Binday, another of the daughters, a frank and lovely girl, remembered having seen blue flames in the jeweler's house one afternoon when she and her mother had gone there to buy jewels.

But by and by I cheered up, set the watch by guess, and commanded my bodings and superstitions to depart. Next day I stepped into the chief jeweler's to set it by the exact time, and the head of the establishment took it out of my hand and proceeded to set it for me. Then he said, "She is four minutes slow-regulator wants pushing up."

Having occasion to get his watch repaired one day he entered a large jeweler's shop, and while waiting its examination his attention was attracted by an ordinary old-fashioned daguerreotype case in the form of a heart-shaped locket lying on the counter with other articles left for repairs.

"And this, from the same jeweler's," continued madame, while the dressmaker was unfastening the frock, aided by Miriam, anxious that no scratch should mar that milk-white skin. "How droll the box is wrapped in cloth, a cloth of plaid." Aimée spun about. The dress fell, a glistening circle at her feet, and with regardless haste she tripped over it to madame. "How strange!" she said breathlessly.

Last time I lent you two small notes on your ring, when I could have bought a new one at the jeweler's for a ruble and a half." "Give me four rubles, and I will redeem it; it belonged to my father. I expect some money soon." "A ruble and a half! and I shall take the interest in advance." "A ruble and a half!" protested the young man. "Please yourself whether you take it or not."

"So am I," said the other, awkwardly. "You can do me a favor, if you will." "Of course, I will," said Jonathan, "if it's anything I can do." "Yes, you will have no trouble about it. You see, I went into a jeweler's near by to sell a valuable ring, and they wanted to make sure I was really a minister, and not intending to cheat them.

Her son laid the dewy bunch beside her plate and then kissed his mother affectionately. "Many happy returns! and you, father! Hullo mother, you've got a secret you're blushing! What's up?" And still holding Lady William by the arm, he looked smilingly from her to the jeweler's case on the table. "They must be reset, dear; but they're fine." Lady William opened the case, and pushed it toward him.

And grandpa told him that he'd seen slavery abolished and he hoped to live to see hard drink done away with. And the man said it would come; and then they talked about the corn crop and things, and finally grandpa got away from him and we started for the harness shop. But when we got up to the big store, grandpa says, "Bless me, I've forgot my spectacles at the jeweler's."