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On Ghatotkacha's standard, O king, a vulture shone brightly, and his steeds also were capable of going everywhere at will, like those of Ravana in days of yore. In Yudhishthira's hands was the celestial bow called Mahendra; and in the hands of Bhimasena, O king, was the celestial bow called Vayavya. For the protection of the three worlds Brahman created a bow.

Therefore, O king, thou must let him alone! Thou shalt, however, be able to vanquish for a single day only, the rest of Yudhishthira's forces along with thine enemies the four sons of Pandu!" And the wicked Jayadratha also returned home, and the sons of Pandu continued to dwell in the forest of Kamyaka."

Then Arjuna, O monarch, in shame, touched king Yudhishthira's feet with his head. And he repeatedly said unto that chief of the Bharatas, "Be pleased with me, Forgive, O king, all that I have said from desire of observing virtue and from fear of sins.""

Then, O king, loud cries were heard among the warriors of Yudhishthira's army to the effect, "The king is slain," when Bharadwaja's son, of regulated vows, thus, stood in his vicinity. And the warriors there all exclaimed, beholding Drona's prowess, "Today the royal son of Dhritarashtra will be crowned with success.

Having slaughtered Yudhishthira's army and the large throngs of the Pancala car-warriors, having scorched all the points of the compass by means of his arrowy showers, having stupefied the Parthas in battle like the wielder of the thunderbolt stupefying the Asuras, alas, how could that mighty car-warrior, slain by the foe, fall down on the earth like a large tree uprooted by the tempest?

In consequence of Yudhishthira's influence, the good fortune of all the monarchs of the earth became stationary, and their hearts became devoted to the meditation of the Supreme Spirit, and virtue itself began to grow every way all round.

Inflicting terrible injuries upon the Kaurava warriors, Satyaki, who is dear to thee as life, cometh towards thee, O Kiritin! Having with his shafts crushed Drona himself and Kritavarman of the Bhoja race, this Satyaki cometh to thee, O Phalguna! Intent on Yudhishthira's good, having slain many foremost of warriors, the brave Satyaki, skilled in weapons, is coming to thee, O Phalguna!

Thus slaughtered by the high-souled Karna, Yudhishthira's troops, O king, afflicted with the arrows of the Suta's son, soon fled away. Showers of shafts fell together. Indeed, those sped subsequently from the bow of the Suta's son touched with their heads the wings of those sped before.

But the answer in every case was the same as Yudhishthira's viz., 'We behold the tree, thyself, our fellow- pupils, and the bird. And reproached by their preceptor, they were all ordered, one after another, to stand apart." "Vaisampayana said, 'When everyone had failed, Drona smilingly called Arjuna and said unto him, 'By thee the aim must be shot; therefore, turn thy eyes to it.

Then that slayer of hostile heroes, viz., the mighty-armed Vasudeva of Madhu's race beholding that Partha was fighting mildly and that Bhishma was incessantly scattering his arrowy showers in battle, and that stationed between the two hosts, he latter was scorching everything like the Sun himself, smiting down the foremost of Yudhishthira's combatants, and, in fact, achieving feat on Yudhishthira's army like unto what happeneth at the end of the Yuga, could not any longer bear it.