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If you hadn't been as psychic as I am, you'd've jumped clear out into subspace when a perfectly strange girl attacked you." "How do you know so much about me?" "I made it a point to. One of the juniors told me you're the only virgin officer in all space." "That was Eddie Thompson." "Uh-huh." She nodded brightly. "Well, is that bad?" "Anything else but.

"It's just as evident a fact as that stool," kicking the unoffending bit of furniture half-way across the room as he spoke. "If you'd've let me, I'd've shown it to you yesterday!" "Undoubtedly, then. Grant that it is impenetrable to all matter and to all known waves. Suppose that it should prove impenetrable also to gravitation and to magnetism?

I think it is the 'ouse; it's gone unlucky, and I'm thinking of clearing out." "We may live in a 'ouse a long while before we find what its luck really is," said Ketley. "I've been in my old 'ouse these twenty years, and it ain't nothing like what I thought it." "You are that superstitious," said Journeyman. "If there was anything the matter with the 'ouse you'd've know'd it before now."

But no sooner was he well settled than she began to flirt with Mr. Smith, and what does he do but yield to her blandishments and marry her? Took her, and seemed to glory in it. "Now, you'd've thought that she'd've been satisfied with that, when she'd got the share of four women and a quarter. But pretty soon, as luck would have it, Smith, died and she hustled him into the grave.

"No more he ain't," said Boscobel. "Heathcote's a good plucked un all the same," said Joe. "It's like you to speak up for such a fellow is that," said Jerry. "I say he's a good plucked un. I'm not standing up for him. Nokes is half a stone heavier than him, and ought to have knocked him over. That's what you'd've done, wouldn't you, Bos? I know I would."

The way she walked; poetry in motion ... the oil-witch ... two empires ... more millions than he had dimes.... "Oh, you're Barbara Warner, then." "Why, of course; but my friends call me 'Bobby'. Didn't you but of course you didn't you never read passenger lists. If you did, you'd've got a tingle, too." "I got plenty of tingle without reading, believe me. However, I never expected to "

He turned with a sardonic grin to Lightfoot, who had already been reduced to a state of silence by the relentless persecutions of the rodéo boss. "I never said nawthin'," replied Lightfoot sullenly. "But if you'd've gone at 'em the way we wanted to," he blurted out, as the grin broadened, "instead of tryin' to move the whole outfit by daylight, I'd've stayed with you till hell froze over.

You'd've enjoyed it first rate, Ulaley, and if there had been any difference in our manners from what you'd been used to, and we might have made a bow or two less than you wuz accustomed to, why, your good sense would have told you that manners in Jonesville wuz different from Madrid, and you'd expect it and enjoy the difference, mebby.

If we 'a' met long ago, an' you hadn't a husband or anythin' do you think you'd've loved me then?" She felt herself turning white. "No," she said softly. "I could never have loved you, my dear friend. We are not the same. Believe me, there is a woman somewhere who will love you; but I am not that woman nor could I have ever been." The train was starting. The major came bustling in.

There's a whole lot of water in the workings of the Lost Burro that'll have to be pumped out first, and then there's a little job of timbering that'll cost a world of money. No, I sold them that mine on the ore in your tunnel I will say, it shows up splendid. If you'd've been here yesterday you might have made a deal that would " "Not on your life!" broke in Denver, "I don't sell to anybody.