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Y're the fiery furnace of all the world's hopes and fears, of all earth's people, of all poets' dreams; an' God only knows what a mess o' slag y're turning out! Y'r muck rakers are belching y'r failures to the four corners of earth! Justice perverted! Courts in fee to the highest bidder!

Head ducked, hands out like a boxer, One-Eye again began an advance toward Big Tom, doing a sort of a skating step a glide. And as he came on, Barber threw back his head and guffawed. "Oh, haw! haw! haw! haw! haw!" he shouted. "Y' don't mean y're goin' t' finish me! Oh, haw! haw! haw!" "A haw-haw's aig in a hee-hee's nest!" returned One-Eye, and spat on his hands. "Finish y' is what I aim t' do!

Rosenblatt, whose knowledge of English was sufficient to enable him to catch her meaning, began a vigorous protest: "Eet ees not my woman," he exclaimed. "Eat, is it!" replied Mrs. Fitzpatrick, taking him up sharply. "Indade ye can eat where ye can get it. Faith, it's a man ye are, sure enough, that can niver forget y're stomach! An' y're wife comin' till her sorrow!"

"But a financier with the standing Nickleby has " "Excuse me, but y're startin' off with the wrong foot," corrected McCorquodale. "Nickleby aint no financier; he's a smooth pebble, that's all. His standin's faked an' behind it he's layin' low or I misses my best guess. If he aint a crook I never seen one." Phil was silent for a moment.

I made a little bet with meself you was ejucated. Why, y'r cuffs ain't even doity not very doity. Course you kinda need a shave, but dem little blond hairs don't show much. I seen you was a gentleman, even if de bums didn't. You're too good t' be a rum-peddler. Glad y're going, boy, mighty glad. Sit down. Tell us about it. We'll miss yuh here.

"Johnnie and I have our rights!" she cried. As she spoke his name, Johnnie's heart leaped so that it choked him with gratitude, and love, and admiration. "Never mind y'r rights!" the longshoreman counseled. "I begin t' see through you! Y're a little sneak, that's what y' are! Look at the crazy way y're actin', and I thought y' was a quiet girl! Y' been pretty cute about hidin' what y're up to!"

I often do that." She was obviously American and Tam's slow smile was free of malice. "It's fine to think of things," he said, "especially when y're drivin' an ambulance but it's a hairse ye ought to be drivin', Mistress, if ye want to gie yeer thochts a good airin'." "I'm really sorry," said the girl penitently. "I'm afraid your cycle is smashed." "Don't let it worry ye," said Tam calmly.

"Y' been out huntin' them seven weeks?" "Yes, seven weeks!" His articulation had cleared a little. "Please gimme m' gun, Wayland!" "Y' saw them? Y're sure y' saw them?" "Saw them?" Sheriff Flood laughed in a thin little squeaking laugh. "Gosh A'mighty, I I fought them single handed for a whole half day; I think I got one!

"Quite a lot o' folks was goin' out upon the ice below the Falls, for the thawin' and the breakin' up was not goin' forward too much they thought and a grand view was t' be had o' the monster frozen floor, and the icicles high as a house. So this gentleman and his wife " "My father and mother!" cried Johnnie. "Oh, Father Pat, y're goin' t' tell me how they both got drownded!"

And now, jus' when y're old enough t' begin payin' me back a little, here y' go t' actin' up! Well, you was left in my hands. I'm only stepfather to y'. All right. But I'm goin' t' see that y' behave y'rself." "You've got nothing to say about me!" she persisted. "No? I'll show y'! But what I want t' know now is, how many times have you met this dude at the noon hour?"