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"There: that'll sting a bit, but not long.... But suppose, Pete, I'd get a lot of money by marrying?" "No matter how mush y'get, 'tain't enough!" "I'm inclined to think you're about right, Pete." "You bet I'm right. I'm married 'nd I know." Nat finished dressing the cut, smoothed down the ends of the adhesive tape, and stood back. "That's all right, now. Go home, wash your face, and sleep it off.

The stableman stopped chewing and stared at her. "It's some consider'ble of a walk. It's all of eighteen mile I dunno but twenty, time y'get to the house." "I have frequently walked twenty-five or thirty miles. I am a member of the Sierra Club in Los Angeles. We seldom take hikes of less than twenty miles. If you will kindly tell me which road I must take "

Something like this it went: "Hulloh, Maurice." "Hulloh, Wesley," or George Drake, or Al McNeill, or whoever it might be. "That's a mighty pretty deckload of fish. When'd y'get 'em?" "Oh, twenty barrels yesterday morning and the rest last night." "That so? How many d'y'call 'em, Maurice?" "How many? Oh, two hundred and eighty or ninety wash barrels. Ought to head up about two sixty." "That so?

If she was a mind to wait over a day or two, he said, he might maybe be able to make the trip. Lorraine took a long look at the structure which he indicated as the hotel. "I think I'll walk," she said calmly. "Walk?" The stableman stopped chewing and stared at her. "It's some consider'ble of a walk. It's all of eighteen mile I dunno but twenty, time y'get to the house."