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She jerked her thumb over her shoulder towards the receding farm-house. "There's a pint o' o' beesiness ah'd like ye tae see Maister Coulson aboot, Lizzie if ye would'na mind obleegin' an' auld neeighbor buddy." Elizabeth's risibilities were nearly upsetting her composure. "Yes," she faltered, "I I'll do anything I can for you, and I'm sure John Coulson will, too, in your business."

One evening after he an' Geordie had ta'en their suppers, he made himsel' ready to gang out, saying to Geordie that he was gaun' doon to the village for a wee while, and that he was to bide i' the house an' he would'na be lang awa'. The hours wore awa' till ten o'clock, an' he had'na cam' hame.

One evening after he an' Geordie had ta'en their suppers, he made himsel' ready to gang out, saying to Geordie that he was gaun' doon to the village for a wee while, and that he was to bide i' the house an' he would'na be lang awa'. The hours wore awa' till ten o'clock, an' he had'na cam' hame.

Stuart first came to our village he again took up his aul' habits o' industry, an' for a long time would'na taste drink ava; but when the excitement o' the sudden change had worn off, his aul' likin' for strong drink cam' back wi' fu' force, an' he, puir weak man had'na the strength o' mind to withstand it.

Pride goeth before a fall ever, and after that, once more, I had to wait for an engagement, and once more I went back to the pit. I folded the astrachan coat and put it awa' under the bed, but I would'na tak' off the fur. "I'll be needin' you again before sae lang," I told the coat as I folded it. "See if I don't."

Stuart first came to our village he again took up his aul' habits o' industry, an' for a long time would'na taste drink ava; but when the excitement o' the sudden change had worn off, his aul' likin' for strong drink cam' back wi' fu' force, an' he, puir weak man, had'na the strength o' mind to withstand it.

I had the offer of a guinea, but I had fixed a guinea and a half as my minimum fee, and I would'na tak' less, though, after I'd sent the laddie awa' who offered me the guinea, I could ha' kicked myself. There were some amusing experiences during those concert days. I often appeared with singers who had won considerable fame artists who rendered classical numbers and opertic selections.