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Keegan on the lands of Ballycloran, right or wrong. Wid that there war a dale of shilly-shallying but at last the masther said as how he would jine the boys in ridding the counthry of the Captain, and he thin agreed to come down to the Widdy's the next night, or that afther, to get the secret signs and the pass-words, and to take the oaths they war to swear him to.

Didn't I say that I'd tell ye a story as would prove to ye that ghosts drink, more especially Irish ghosts? To be sure it turned out afterwards that the ghost was the sexton o' the parish as took advantage o' the poor widdy's fears; but I can tell ye, boys, that ghost niver came back after the widdy became Mrs Briant." "Oh! then ye married the widder, did ye?" said Jim Scroggles.

It is an awfully lonesome place; desolation sits brooding among the broken-down walls. My guide, a lonesome-looking man, enlivened our way by remarks like these: "This was a widdy's house. She was a well-doin' body." "Here was a snug place. See, there's the remains of a stone porch that they built to break off the wind."

"Well, yer honer, Masther Barry," said Jacky, "don't forget your poor fool this blessed morning!" "Away with you! If I see you there again, I'll have you in Bridewell, you blackguard." "Ah, you're joking, Masther Barry. You wouldn't like to be afther doing that. So yer honer's been down to the widdy's? That's well; it's a fine thing to see you on good terms, since you're soon like to be so sib.

What d'ee think, cap'n?" continued O'Rook, with a very conscious look. "How can I think if ye don't give me somethin' to think about?" "The widdy's tuk me after all!" said O'Rook. "What! widow Bancroft?" O'Rook nodded impressively. "Moreover," he said, "she's tuk me as a poor beggar with nothin' but his pay, for better and for worse, an', sure now, it's better I'll be than she tuk me for."

He was a broth of a bhoy! Poor little Widdy Hartigan." The Atmosphere of His Early Days There were many surprises and sharp contrasting colour spots on the map of the "Widdy's" trail for the next nine years. With herself and the expected child to make a home for after that mad Orange Day, she had sought employment and had been welcomed back to the hotel where she had ever been a favourite.

Keegan too, they thought he'd jine in; and to bring him round, they swore niver to pay the rint afore he did. Well, yer honour, I was one night at the Widdy's, that's Mother Mulready's, for I'd gone there knowing as how the tenants 'd be in it, and I war noticing them to be up with the masther on Friday next about the rint.

"Well, I'd mention that to very few people if I were you," and she walked away from him. He followed her. "Don't you want me to be your friend?" "Sure I don't know," Peg answered quickly. "I'm like the widdy's pig that was put into a rale bed to sleep. It nayther wanted it, nor it didn't want it.

The widow Sprague, near the Odd Fellows' Hall, who lived, as she expressed it, "all deserted and alone," had agreed to take the family into her rambling cottage. Luke Fraser had brought his truck-cart up alongside the rescued Tanner belongings, and they were already half loaded. "Can you come down to the widdy's to-night, Code?" asked Bijonah.

Thady come down and immediately comed into the inside room, where the men war sitting dhrinking, and I war wid them: thin one of the men, a tinent to Mr. Thady, up and tould the masther all as I've tould yer honours, of what took place at the Widdy's in Mohill, and how av Mr. Thady would jine them to rid the counthry of the Captain, they'd stand to him, and wouldn't let Mr.