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'Mostly but also in Vienna. And, to keep the ball rolling, she described a travel-year apparently before her marriage which she, Lord Findon, a girl friend of hers, and Welby had spent abroad together mainly in Rome, Munich, and Vienna for the purpose, it seemed, of Welby's studies. The experiences she described roused a kind of secret exasperation in Fenwick.

Fenwick's composure broke down. 'I had better not see her' he said 'I had better not see her! 'You will bear that for her, said Welby, quietly. 'The more completely you can enlighten her, the better for us all. Fenwick's lips moved, but without speaking. Welby's ignorance of the whole truth oppressed him; yet he could make no effort to remove it. Welby came back towards him.

Amelia B. Welby's poems are distinguished for sentiment and melody. The "Passion Flowers" and other poems of Julia Ward Howe are full of ardor and earnestness. Mrs. Sigourney's metrical writings are cherished by a large class of readers. Hannah F. Gould has written many pretty and fanciful poems, and Grace Greenwood's "Ariadne" is a fine burst of womanly pride and indignation.

You would begin to talk of scientific languages, of Esperanto, La Langue Bleue, New Latin, Volapuk, and Lord Lytton, of the philosophical language of Archbishop Whateley, Lady Welby's work upon Significs and the like.

"Search will be made for you in the morning, and you had better be out of the way before that. There are some dresses belonging to Mrs. Welby's daughter in a closet up stairs. I will borrow one of them for you to wear. The boat from Beaufort to Savannah will stop here in an hour to take some freight. We will go to Savannah.

"Oh!" said Sir Peter, "that's all?" "All I remember at ten years old," replied Kenelm. "And at Mr. Welby's or at college," proceeded Sir Peter, timorously, "was your acquaintance with females of the same kind?" Kenelm shook his head. "Much worse: they were very naughty indeed at college." "I should think so, with such a lot of young fellows running after them."

MY DEAR FATHER, You and my dear mother will be pleased to hear that London continues very polite to me: that "arida nutrix leonum" enrolls me among the pet class of lions which ladies of fashion admit into the society of their lapdogs. It is somewhere about six years since I was allowed to gaze on this peep-show through the loopholes of Mr. Welby's retreat.

Fenwick was silent a moment, and then said aggressively We can't all of us have the same chances as Mr. Welby, for instance. Madame de Pastourelles looked at him in astonishment. What an extraordinary obsession! They seemed not to be able to escape from Arthur Welby's name: yet it never cropped up without producing some sign of irritation in this strange young man.

To chat with her, in success or failure; to be sure of her welcome, her smile at all times; to ask her sympathy in matters where he had himself trained in her the faculty of response; to rouse in her the gentle, diffident humour which seemed to him a much rarer and more distinguished thing than other women's brilliance; to watch the ways of a personality which appeared to many people a little cold, pale, and over-refined, and was to him supreme distinction; to search for pleasures for her, as a botanist hunts rare flowers; to save her from the most trifling annoyance, if time and brains could do it; these things, for three years, had made the charm of Welby's life.

'I am sorry to interrupt you' Welby's voice was carefully controlled 'but I think you will admit that I had good reason to come and find you. He looked round to see that the door was shut, then advanced a step nearer. 'You are, I think, acquainted with that lady? He handed Fenwick a card. Fenwick took it to the light.