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"Well, you swine," he said, "how did you enjoy falling downstairs the other evening? As for you, Herr Weintraub, I'd like to know what kind of prescriptions you make up in that cellar of yours." Weintraub's face shone damply in the lamplight. Perspiration was thick on his forehead. "My dear Mifflin," he said, "this is awfully stupid. In my eagerness, I'm afraid "

Titania ran from the room, through the pantry. Roger was holding Weintraub's revolver in front of the German's face. "Look here," he said, "what does this mean?" "It's all a mistake," said the druggist suavely, though his eyes slid uneasily to and fro. "I just came in to get some books I left here earlier in the afternoon." "With a revolver, eh?" said Roger.

"The first bunch of numbers was in your handwriting, then; but underneath were these others, in Weintraub's or at any rate in his ink. When I saw that he was jotting down what I took to be code stuff in the backs of your books I naturally assumed you and he were working together " "And you found the cover in his drug store?" "Yes." Roger scowled. "I don't make it out," he said.

Weintraub's back yard opened onto the alley, but the gate, he found, was locked. The fence would not be hard to scale, but he hesitated to make so direct an approach. He ascended the stairs of the "L" station, on the near side, and paying a nickel passed through a turnstile onto the platform.

They refer to pages where he has found interesting things." "Yes, and that's Weintraub's," said Aubrey, indicating the numbers in violet ink. "If that isn't a proof of their complicity, I'd like to know what is. If that Cromwell book is here, I'd like to have a look at it." They went into the shop.

How was I to know she wanted The Blazed Trail?" "You'll get used to that," said Mrs. Mifflin. "Just a minute, people, I want to stop in at the drug store." They went into Weintraub's pharmacy. Entranced as he was by the proximity of Miss Chapman, Aubrey noticed that the druggist eyed him rather queerly.

So he kept on the opposite side of the street, which still maintains an unbroken row of quiet brown fronts, save for the movie theatre at the upper corner, opposite Weintraub's. Carrying his bag, Aubrey passed the bright halo of the movie theatre. ADDED ATTRACTION, Mr. AND Mrs. SIDNEY DREW, he read. A little way down the block he saw a sign VACANCIES in a parlour window.

At the Wordsworth Avenue corner, where the L swings round in a lofty roaring curve, stands Weintraub's drug store; below it, on the western side, a succession of shining windows beacon through the evening.

From here a drop of about twelve feet would bring him onto Weintraub's back roof. For a moment he reflected that, once down there, it would be impossible to return the same way. However, he decided to risk it. Where he was, with his legs swinging astride the girder, he was in serious danger of attracting attention.

Until this oddly menacing telephone message, he could have explained the attack on the Bridge as merely a haphazard foot-pad enterprise; but now he was forced to conclude that it was in some way connected with his visits to the bookshop. He felt, too, that in some unknown way Weintraub's drug store had something to do with it.