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"I knowed there was something of this kind goin' on, sir," said Jack, turning to his officer, and giving his pants a hitch; "I knowed, by the way the young lady handed over them we'pons, that there was something about that bed she didn't want us to see." "Yes, Ellen," said the rebel, "I have to thank you for my capture. If it hadn't been for your crying and whimpering, I might have"

"'Wal, ef here an't another, and I was speedily surrounded, and commanded to 'hand over my we'pons. "'Look here, boys, said I, 'I've got a pass, and I made a motion to produce it. "'Oh, we don't want to see your pass, said the corporal who had charge of the squad; 'we've seed a dozen to-night that wasn't no 'count.

"Escaped," exclaimed Jack. "No, sir; not so easy. Don't go to jawin' her, now, 'cause yer ketched. Come, now," he continued, "let's have yer we'pons." The rebel coolly handed out two silver-mounted revolvers, which the mate thrust into his belt. "Now, I hope you're satisfied," said Mary, impatiently; "and are ready to go and leave us in peace." "Not quite," answered Frank.

I know'd it, and as much as said it, here, to Judith; for your short we'pons don't belong to red-skin gifts. You've hit the lake, and that's better than only hitting the air! Now, stand back and let us see what white gifts can do with a white we'pon. A pistol isn't a rifle, but colour is colour."

"Uncas, call up your father; we have need of all our we'pons to bring the cunning varmint from his roost." The signal was instantly given; and, before Hawkeye had reloaded his rifle, they were joined by Chingachgook.

"And I thought they would have killed you with their we'pons, Judith," returned Deerslayer; "it was an awful risk for a female to run in the face of a dozen Mingos!"

He seed him leave the Yankee camp, an' follered him, an' while they were ridin' along together, he tuk out his pistol an' told the Yank to give up his we'pons; but the feller wouldn't do it, an' Bob had to shoot him. But he didn't kill him; he only shot him through the shoulder. He's sartin to be hung. "You can easily imagine my feelings as I sat there and listened to this.

Deerslayer laughed heartily at his own conceit, and, in a minute or two, they were both standing on the platform, selecting some object in the Ark for their target. Judith was led by curiosity to their side. "Stand back, gal, stand a little back; these we'pons have been long loaded," said Deerslayer, "and some accident may happen in the discharge." "Then you shall not fire them!

"Of all we'pons," he commenced, "the long barreled, true-grooved, soft-metaled rifle is the most dangerous in skillful hands, though it wants a strong arm, a quick eye, and great judgment in charging, to put forth all its beauties. The gunsmiths can have but little insight into their trade when they make their fowling-pieces and short horsemen's "

"Uncas, call up your father; we have need of all our we'pons to bring the cunning varmint from his roost." The signal was instantly given; and, before Hawkeye had reloaded his rifle, they were joined by Chingachgook.