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M'Barak means "the blessed one," and is one of the names usually set apart for slaves. Base copper coins, of which a penny will purchase a score. It is fair to say that this is no more than one of many stories relating to the great Wazeer's early days. Another says that he started life as a soldier. There is no doubt that he is a man of extraordinary talent. A pannier made of palmetto.

The Hadj spoke of the great wish the Sultan has to visit England an impossibility, for in the eyes of his fanatical subjects he would be countenancing the unbelievers, and his throne would be handed over to a successor: the throne to which he succeeded, for the first time in the history of Morocco, without having to fight his way to it a fact owed to the Wazeer's sagacity.

After him came another figure in mail that clanked faintly and glimmered as he moved. "Peace and the Prophet's blessings upon thee, O mighty Asad!" was the wazeer's greeting. "And peace upon thee, Tsamanni," was the answer. "Art the bearer of news?" "Of great and glorious tidings, O exalted one! Sakr-el-Bahr is returned."

Were Fenzileh removed the wazeer's influence must grow and spread to his own profit. It was a thing of which he had often dreamed, but a dream he feared that was never like to be realized, for Asad was ageing, and the fires that had burned so fiercely in his earlier years seemed now to have consumed in him all thought of women.

But there was not one gardener there to tend the ground once so highly cultivated, and I was assured that the terror of the wazeer's name kept even the hungry beggars from the fruit in harvest time. The home and its appointments duly exhibited, Sidi Boubikir led the way to a diwan in a well-cushioned room that opened on to the garden.

That was Mulai el Hassan's method of ruling may Allah have pardoned him and his grand wazeer's after him. It is perhaps the only method that is truly understood by the people in Morocco. R'hamna reminded me of the wildest and bleakest parts of Palestine, and when the Maalem said solemnly it was tenanted by djinoon since the insurrection, I felt he must certainly be right.