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"I don't care a hang for your etiquette I want to know. The member for Millford was not in a trifling mood. "Sorry," said Mr. Driggs, holding his pipe still closer. "See here, Driggs," said Mr. Steadman haughtily, "do you know who you're talking to I have it in my power to throw you a good deal of business one way'n another I've thrown you a good deal of business.

Most of his waking hours were spent here, where he found the gentle sounds of feeding horses, the honest smell of prairie hay and the blessed absence of human chatter very soothing and restful. As time went on, and James Crocks grew more and more averse to human speech having seen it cause so much trouble one way'n another, Mrs.

She hasn't got the style that Pearl has she rides a lot and has nerve and all that, but she's bow-legged!" His tone was indescribably scornful. Mr. Neelands gasped. "Yep," went on Bertie complacently, "we see a lot here at the stable and get to know a lot one way'n another we can't help it. They come and go, you know." "The doctor won't run for Parliament he turned it down. Mrs.

Catch the three-o'clock coach near the Bo Peep, and answer no questions. 'I know a better way'n that, said the boy, after a thoughtful pause. 'Mother wants some things from Yarraman. I'll get her to let me go fer 'em this afternoon. 'Yes, yes; that is clever. But you won't tell. 'Not a blessed soul. 'And when you get back it will be late bring the things to me as secretly as you can.

"Mist' Curry, you been mighty good to me, one way'n anotheh, an' I'd like to ast yo' fo' some advice." "Well," said the old man, "advice is like medicine, Gabe easy to give but hard to take. What's troublin' you now?" "Mist' Curry, yo' 'membeh me tellin' yo' 'bout that Gen'al Duval colt of mine how he neveh did look the same to me since I got him?"