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From the floor above came the swish of the broom and Zephania's voice raised in joyful song: "'I was a wand'ring sheep, I did not love the fold; I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controlled. I was a wayward child, I did not love my home; I did not love my Father's voice, I loved afar to roam."

"Now here, now there, the roving fancy flies, Till some lov'd object strikes her wand'ring eyes, Whose silken fetters all the senses bind, And soft captivity involves the mind. "Imagination! who can sing thy force, Or who describe the swiftness of thy course?

My thoughtless youth was wing'd with vain desires; My manhood long misled by wand'ring fires, Follow'd false lights; and when their glimpse was gone, My pride struck out new sparkles of her own. Such was I, such by Nature still I am; Be thine the glory, and be mine the shame. Good life be now my task: my doubts are done; What more could shock my faith than Three in One?

The moon is endowed with life and will, "stooping", "riding", "wand'ring", "bowing her head", not as a frigid personification, and because the ancient poets so personified her, but by communication to her of the intense agitation which the nocturnal spectacle rouses in the poet's own breast.

And seeing that the hermit was stepping towards him: "Adieu, friend!" "Ronan, I shall accompany you." "Will you join us in running the Vagrery? You, a hermit? You among us, 'Wand'ring men, 'Wolves, 'Heads of Wolves, Vagres that we are? A saint in the company of demons?" "They that be whole need not the physician, but they that are sick."

Avenge the patriotic gore That flecked the streets of Baltimore, And be the battle queen of yore, Maryland! My Maryland! Hark to the wand'ring son's appeal, Maryland! My mother State, to thee I kneel, Maryland! For life and death, for woe and weal, Thy peerless chivalry reveal, And gird thy beauteous limbs with steel, Maryland! My Maryland! Thou wilt not cower in the duet, Maryland!

Almost all the slaves are, like this unhappy fellow, steeped in the abjectest besotment the evil spreads by the day it is done for old Gaul " "If so, let us sing the refrain of the Vagres: "The Franks call us 'Wand'ring Men, 'Wolves, 'Wolves' Heads' Let us live like wolves! Let us live in joy! In summer under the green foliage, in winter in caverns warm!"

May our druids, both the Christian and the non-Christian, continue to inspire us with a love for freedom and with the virile virtues of our ancestors. "'The devil take the Franks! Long live the Vagrery and Old Gaul! Such is the cry of all Vagres. The Franks call us 'Wand'ring Men, 'Wolves, 'Wolves' Heads. Let us be wolves!

I set them down, thinking they might have some connection with her letter and be useful; but it was not so; they were a mere memory, floating idly in a tired mind, and they have no meaning, at least no relevancy." I took the piece of paper, and found what I knew I should find: And when in exile wand'ring, we Shall fainting yearn for glimpse of thee, Oh, rise upon our sight!

But in order to overcome barbarism, ignorance, misery and slavery, they must be combated with civilization, with intelligence, with virtue, with labor, with the awakened Gallic patriotism that lies torpid at the bottom of so many hearts! "'Hermit, our friend, the interrupter cried again, 'how else can we fight our enemies than arms in hand? Are we not "Wand'ring Men," "Wolves," "Wolves' Heads"?