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At length, however, as he walked on for mere walking's sake, he found himself on the verge of a cliff, and saw, over the brow of it, a few feet below him, a ledge of rock, where he might find some shelter from the blast, which blew from behind.

"About a mile," said the conductor. "I wouldn't try it if I was you, the walking's fierce." But Miss Mink was not to be turned back. Gathering her skirts as high as her sense of propriety would permit, and grasping her basket she set bravely forth.

'The "Rose and Crown" is the best pub, said Dicky, 'and the landlady is a friend of ours. It's about a mile if you go by the field path. 'Lor' love a duck! said the tramp, 'a mile's a long way, and walking's a dry job this 'ere weather. We said we agreed with him.

Browning never abjured the active habits of the English traveller. He daily walked with his sister, as he did in the mountains, for walking's sake, as well as for the delight of what his expeditions showed him; and the facilities which they supplied for this healthful pleasurable exercise were to his mind one of the great merits of his autumn residences in Italy.

Stacy gazed at the tree and decided that it would make an excellent thing to climb. He stepped up on the trunk at the roots, walking out toward the top. "Come on up. The walking's great, Tad," he cried. "I'll be there pretty soon." After looking about for several minutes Butler followed his companion. But Tad paused before climbing up.

Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it. My objection to it is that it stops the brain. Many a man has professed to me that his brain never works so well as when he is swinging along the high road or over hill and dale.

"After all, you see, if one has strength of purpose, one can achieve freedom," he observed. "At the expense of the affections, it would seem," said Hadria. The walk was pursued towards Craddock. Hadria said she had to ask Dodge, the old gravedigger, if he could give a few days' work in the garden at the Red House. The Professor was walking for walking's sake.

"We didn't mean to take him till to-morrow," the officer added, "but out on the river one of us saw this gladiator business here in the red-light zone, and there wasn't any time to lose. . . . I don't know what your business with him was," the long-moustached detective said to Jean Jacques, "but whatever the grudge is, if you don't want to appear in court in the morning, the walking's good out of town night or day so long!"

Sunday walking, for walking's sake, was never allowed; and even going to a distant church was discouraged. When in Cadogan Place, we always crossed the Five Fields, where Belgrave Square now stands, to hear Dr. Thorpe at the Lock Chapel, and bring him home to dine with us. From Great Ormond Street, we attended St.

Oh dear! all my flowers are gone!" They put their hands on the upturned craft and floated easily. "What are you going to do about it?" she asked. "We're a long way from shore, and the walking's damp." He glanced about. They were a good distance from land, but the only danger he anticipated was the danger of a rescue.