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The account of that you will find in a book where you certainly would not look for it, Wagenseil's 'Nuernberg Chronicle. The old gentleman speaks of a visit he made to Mademoiselle Scuderi in Paris, and if I have succeeded in representing her as charming and delightful, I am indebted solely to the distinguished courtoisie with which Wagenseil mentions her."

My first idea was to make a thorough study of Grimm's controversy on the Song of the Meistersinger; and the next question was how to get hold of old Wagenseil's Nuremberg Chronicle. I remained at my hotel, eagerly making extracts of portions of the Chronicle, which to the astonishment of the ignorant I appropriated for my libretto.

His studies have been marvellously exact and careful, and he has put Wagenseil's book under literal and liberal contribution, as will appear after a while. Now it seems best to tell the story of the comedy before discussing it further.

But if any of our readers desire further information with regard to the propriety of this interpretation of this prophecy of Isaiah, we refer him to the “Munimen Fideicontained in Wagenseil's “Tela Igneawhere he will find it amply illustrated, and defended.

In its delineation of the pompous doings of the mastersingers, Wagner is true to the letter. He has vitalized the dry record to be found in old Wagenseil's book on Nuremberg, and intensified the vivid description of a mastersingers' meeting which the curious may read in August Hagen's novel "Norica."