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"It's the way," said I, "with a great many of our cherished hopes." "W'l, anyhow, you can see thet it's the wrong thing to put as much time an' money into fixin' a child up f'r a different kind o' life as we hev, an' then keep her on a farm out here. An' thet's why I want you to help this sale through, an' bring influence to bear on her. I give up; I'm all in."

This seemed conclusive as to the merits of the case, and I told him as much. "W'l Josie was born an' growed up," continued Bill, "an' it's her I started to tell about, wa'n't it? She was allus a cute little thing, an' early she got this art business in her head. She'd read about fellers that had got to be great by paintin' an' carvin', an' it made her wild to do the same thing.

An' then she sort o' dropped off, an' when she come to, I was a-rubbin' her hands an' temples. Wa'n't that a funny interduction?" "It's very interesting," said I; "go on." "W'l you remember ol' Doc Maxfield?" said Bill, well started on a reminiscence.

An' you may've noticed thet Josie knows a pile more'n the other women here?" I admitted that this had occurred to me. "W'l, she was allus apt to take her head with her," said Bill, "but this travelin' has fixed her like a hoss thet's ben druv in Chicago: nothin' feazes her, street-cars, brass bands, circuses, overhead trains it's all the same to her, she's seen 'em all.

I told him that in a general way I knew, but not in detail. "W'l, I want yeh to know all about it, so's yeh c'n see this movin' business as it is," said he. "You know I was allus a rough cuss. Herded cattle over there by yer father's south place, an' never went to school.

They're purtendin' to be stuck on goin', an' I've made the bargain to pacify 'em; but, say, do you know what kind of a place it is out on one o' them ranches?" "In a general way, yes," said I. "W'l, a general way wun't do," said he. "You've got to git right down to p'ticklers t' know about it, so's to know. It's seventy-five miles from a post-office an' twenty-five to the nearest house.