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The next instant the street was blocked by turned wagons, logs and other obstacles, the pavement was torn up, and as the Croatians approached they found a raging multitude ready for defence. At a first-story window of the Palace Vidiserti Luciola stood and encouraged the patriots. She had seized a flag, and, unmindful of the bullets which whistled around her, waved the tricolor in the air.

Monte-Cristo stood at one of the lofty arched windows in the Vidiserti palace, and, with a dark frown, observed the terrible massacre which Radetzky's minions created in the streets. Spero stood at his father's side. "See, papa," he said, with tear-choked utterance, "that wounded woman carrying a dead child. It was shot in her arms. Oh, the poor wretches, what did they do to the soldiers?"

"Men," exclaimed Monte-Cristo, "carry the Marquis Aslitta into the Vidiserti palace, and if you love your leader, who has staked his life for you, see to it that no soldier enters the building! Turn the palace into a bulwark against which the soldiers smash their skulls, and who knows whether Italy and Aslitta may not, together, become resurrected?"

"My child," sadly replied Monte-Cristo, "man's worst enemy is man!" "Papa!" suddenly exclaimed Spero, "see, there, the flag!" The count glanced in the direction indicated. A young Italian had just climbed up the tower of a church opposite the Vidiserti palace, and there unfurled the national standard. The tricolor fluttered gayly in the wind.

If you have sinned, your love for your country has made atonement!" One hour later the count, Haydee and Spero bade adieu to Aslitta and Luciola in the Café Vidiserti. "Farewell, marquis," said the count, throwing a knowing glance at Aslitta, who held the diva in his arms. Aslitta nodded. "To-day Luciola will be my bride," he gently said. "Why do you wish to leave us?" exclaimed Luciola, sobbing.