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Fourteen years before, when Vida Levering was only eighteen, she had tried to make something like a conventional maid out of the faithful Northumbrian. Rachel Wark had entered Lady Levering's service just before Vida's birth, and had helped to nurse her mistress through a mortal illness ten years later.

Fox-Moore, putting out her head again. 'He was struck, said Vida, biting her lip to repress smiles, 'by the hat of the Woman of the People. But the lady was too entirely satisfied with her hat to mind Vida's poking fun at it. "Effingham, the Enemy!" Mrs. Fox-Moore read for herself as they approached the flaunting red banner. 'How perfectly outrageous!

Two shabby men on Vida's left were working themselves into a fine state of moral indignation over the laxity of the police in allowing these women to air their vanity in public. 'Comin' here with tam-o'-shanters to tell us 'ow to do our business. 'It's part o' wot I mean w'en I s'y old England's on the down gryde.

'Give me the tray here, she said sleepily. Wark obeyed. She had said nothing to Vida's reproof.

'I didn't dream she cared so much for that dull cousin of hers! 'Do you think she really does? said Borrodaile, dryly. About Vida's little enterprise on a certain Sunday a few weeks later was an air of elaborate mystery. Yet the expedition was no further than to Trafalgar Square.

Many of Vida's friends wondered that she could put up with a lady's maid who could do so few of the things commonly expected of that accomplished class. 'I don't want dressmaking going on in the house, contentedly Vida told off her maid's negative qualifications, 'and I hate having anybody do my hair for me. Wark packs quite beautifully, and then I do like some one about me that I like.

In these hours of bereavement Vida's heart went out with a longing cry for her husband. The love that she had stifled and called dead was there, deeper and purer. Now that she had been brought by this divine mystery unto full sympathy with him, he was the one soul on earth whose love she craved. Perverse human heart!

The grave Scotsman's striking that chord even in a mind as innocent as Vida's, of accurate or ordered knowledge of the past, even here the chord could vibrate to a strange new sense of possible significance in this scene after all. It would be queer, it would be horrible, it was fortunately incredible, but what if, 'after all, she were ignorantly assisting at a scene that was to play its part in the greatest revolution the world had seen?

She no longer felt superior about that misfortune. She would gladly have been converted to Vida's satisfaction in Gopher Prairie and mopping the floor. Carol drove through an astonishing number of books from the public library and from city shops. Kennicott was at first uncomfortable over her disconcerting habit of buying them.

Even if the woman who was speaking had not been the object of such interest as the people in the hansom had to bestow, even had either of them looked towards Vida's corner, only a hat and a gauze ruffle would have been seen. Borrodaile took the hint. His waning sense of the humour of the situation revived. 'Perhaps, after all, if we lay low, he said, smiling more broadly.